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 급수설비 설계 기준 및 자료 ( 48Pages )
** 한글로 작성된 49페이지 분량의 자료입니다. -- 명확한 지식을 습득하는것이 지름길입니. -- ---목차--- 1.1 위생설비의 개요 1.1.1 급배수 위생설비 계획 (1) 기본 구상 (2) 기본 계획 (3) 기본 설계 (4) 실시 설계 (5) 현장 조사 1.1.2 위생설비 계획시의 기본사항 1.2 급수설비의 개요 1.2.1 계획시의 검토사항 1.2.2 급수설비의 설계순서 (1) 건물개요의 파악 (2) 사용수량의..
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
 대변기 세정시 발생하는 배수소음의 특성변화에 관한 연구 ( 8Pages )
대변기 세정시 발생하는 배수소음의 특성변화에 관한 연구 설수환, 정철운*,김재수† 원광대학교 대학원 건축공학과*, 원광대학교 건축학부 A Study on the Changes in Characteristics of Drainage Noise from Water Closet Washing Soo-Hwan Soul, Chul-Woon Jung*, Jae-Soo Kim† *Department of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School, Wonkwang University, Iksan Shin-yong Dong, Korea D..
논문 > 공학분야 |
 영문 임대차계약서(LEASE AGREEMENT) ( 5Pages )
LEASE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this (date) day of (month), 200_, between Lessor Inc.,a Korean corporation with its registered head office at ___(the Lessor) and Lessee Corp.,a___ corporation with its registered head office at ___(the Lessee). WHEREAS: A. Lessor is engaged in the business of the production and sale of ___.and related products (c..
서식 > 계약서 |
 증기난방 설비 설계 자료 ( 26Pages )
*** 유의사항 *** 1. 한글문서로 작성된 26페이지 분량의 자료입니다. 2. 한글 버전 2002에서 작성되었읍니다. ---목차--- 1. 개요 2. 증기의 성질 2.1 증기의 열매조건 (1) 보유열량, 열용량 (2) 열방출 특성 (3) 열매의 공급 (4) 열손실 2.2 포화증기 (1) 압력과 온도 (2) 압력과 비체적 (3) 현열, 잠열, 전열 2.3 건증기와 습증기 3. 증기 난방의 분류 3.1 사용 증기 압력에 ..
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
 영문_약사면허증 ( 1Pages )
License for Pharmaceutist No. : Name in full : K.I.D. No. : Date of birth : Authority : This is to certify that it is licensed as stated above. Date of issue : Minister of Health & Social Affairs / Official Seal Stamped/
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 투자이민 ( 1Pages )
Registration of Tariff Officer No. : Name in Full : Date of Birth : K.I.D. No. : Registration Classification : New Application First Registration Date : Renewal Registration Date : Available Period : From This is to certify that the above person is registered in accordance with the regulation Article 160, Clause 2 of the Tariff Law and Article 186, ..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 약사면허증 ( 1Pages )
License for Pharmaceutist No. : Name in full : K.I.D. No. : Date of birth : Authority : This is to certify that it is licensed as stated above. Date of issue : Minister of Health & Social Affairs / Official Seal Stamped/
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 별지제49호서식 ( 1Pages )
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제49호서식] PCT 방식심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】NOTIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT (REVOCATION·RENUNCIATION) OF SUBAGENT 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 【Identification of International Application】 【International Application No.】 【Applicant】 【Name】 【Address】 【Tel. No.】 【Applicant's code(Residence..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 60Pages )
Distributing Services - 서비스 마케팅 Introduction Service Company Customer Where When How Introduction + 2 Trends Trend 1 Internet Speed Revolution! Trend 2 Distribution Type of contact : Options for service delivery Decisions about place and time Service delivery in cyberspace The role of intermediaries Internationally distributed services Contents Distribution Distributio..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 STP Marketing,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 4Pages )
STP Marketing Type of Market Coffee consumers have different kind of requirements for coffee taste Heterogeneous market Type of Market Coffee consumers have different kind of requirements for coffee taste Heterogeneous market Market Segmentation ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 현대차,마케팅사례,혁신경영,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 20Pages )
HYUNDAI New Thinking New Possibilities Analysis Stage II 1. Description of Functional requirements 2. Practical insight Description of Functional Requirements Specification of primary and support functions Primary functions Blue Link System For Safety and Convenience Specification of primary and support functions Specification of primary and support functions Specification o..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [경영학] 다음다이렉트원 ( 15Pages )
Competitive Strategy of Daum Direct-One Motives of Investigation 2. Introduction of Daum DirectOne Online Car Insurance Market 4. SWOT of Daum DirectOne 5. Comparison with Rivals 6. Conclusion and Future Prospect Motives of Investigation Source: Insurance Statistics Yearbook The Rapid Growth of Online Car-Insurance Market -]Keen Competition The Rapid Growth of Daum-Di..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 PULL흐름라인의산출량변동성을최소화하는작업자배정안 ( 18Pages )
PULL 흐름라인의 산출량 변동성을 최소화하는 작업자 배정안 최상웅 Server Assignment Policy for Minimizing the Output Variability of a Pull Serial Line Choe, Sang Woong 1) Abstract Variability and unevenness in processing times create a problem of imbalance in the production system. So in a pull serial line, even though the product is expected to come out of the preceding c..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 국제우편물반환및외부기재사항변경청구서 ( 2Pages )
국제우편물 반환 및 외부기재사항변경 청구서 Request CN 17 Country of origin 작성우정청 Date 일자 Notes 등기우편으로 발송할 것 To be sent by registered post For with- drawal from □ the post 반환 For alteration or correction □ of address 주소변경 For cancellation or alteration □ of the COD amount 대금교환금액 취소 또는 변경 Office of origin 작성우체국 Office of dest..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제59호서식] PCT 방식심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】REMEDY FOR OMISSION IN DOCUMENT 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 【Identification of International Application】 【International Application No.】 【International Filing Date】 (【Priority Date】) 【Applicant】 【Name】 【Address】 【Tel. No..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
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