전체 (검색결과 약 8,064개 중 38페이지)

 선하증권 ( 1Pages )
서식 > 회사서식 |
 비자서류2 ( 1Pages )
비자서류중 Contract for Purchasing Apartment (아파트구매계약)양식입니다. Contract for Purchasing Apartment 1. Contents of Building Address of Building : Usage : Space : 2. Contents of Contract The Amount of Purchase :₩ Mortgage : First Payment :₩ (at the time of contract) Second Payment :₩(.,) Payment of Balance :₩(.,) Hereby, both the seller and the fixe..
서식 > 계약서 |
The Amount of Purchase, First Payment, Payment of Balance
 합작투자계약서예시(JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT) ( 15Pages )
<합작투자계약서 예시> JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT Remark THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 20 , by and between (Name of the domestic investor) (hereinafter referred to as “X”) duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(hereinafter referred to as “Korea”), with its main office at(Address of domestic ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 GSP원산지증명서(FORM B) ( 1Pages )
GSP 원산지증명서(FORM B) (APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN) Form B The undersigned, being the exporter of the goods described overleaf, DECLARES that goods were produced in REPUBLIC OF KOREA(country) SPECIFIES as follows the grounds on which the goods are claimed to comply with GSP origin requirements 1/ FOB : SUBMITS the following supporting documents 2/ U..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 애플-스티브잡스 ( 10Pages )
REPORT [consumption of Apple] contents 1. introduction 1) Why do we buy overseas products 2) What are the consequences for the Korean economy and our trading partners 3) Clearly state why this issue is of importance to Korean economy and its trading partners 2. Analyze in-depth selected Apple, why you select that Apple 1) reason of select apple 2) reason of Apple suc..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 롯데자이언츠,롯데자이언츠기업분석,롯데자이언츠마케팅전략,영문마케팅전략 ( 14Pages )
[ Contents ] Ⅰ. Korean professional baseball  1. Background  2. Popularity of baseball and its status Ⅱ. Lotte Giants analysis  1. Basis of Lotte Giants  2. Records and the number of audiences of Lotte Giants  3. Characteristic of Lotte Giants and marketing analysis  4. SWOT Analysis  5. 4P Analysis Ⅲ. Suggestion  1. STP Analysis  2. New Strategy for Lotte Giants ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Life of buddha ( 12Pages )
Life of Buddha From Ascetic Penance to Nirvana Penance:Began The Ascetic Penance Buddha began Ascetic penance to break off birth, old age, sickness, and death, the four phases of life. Buddha only drink water, just sitting first seven days. Penance: Visit The 3 Ascetic philosophers and find the path Buddha visits 3 philosophers. temporarily was apprenticed to them about 2..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 [영문판]NBA분석,NBA마케팅전략,NBA마케팅 ( 22Pages )
NBA Introduction of NBA Table of Contents NBA Marketing NBA Sponsorship NBA Analysis Future of NBA Yao Ming Michael Jordan NBA [National Basketball Association] NBA American Teams 29 + Canadian Team 1 = 30 NBA Teams ABA(American Basketball Associaton) + NBL(National Basketball League) = NBA American major Sports = MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA NBA Marketing David Joel Stern Commis..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 건축계획 발표자료 ( 14Pages )
친환경 건축계획 영어 수업발표자료로서 도움이 될 것입니다. Architectural design must be planned from first stage of project to maximize for reducing energy of building. Generally, architect think energy problem is responsibility of equipped engineer.
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
친환경 건축계획, 친환경, 영어 친환경 계획
 영문 변경계약서(AMENDMENT AGREEMENT) ( 1Pages )
AMENDMENT AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT AGREEMENT (the Amendment) is made this day of , 200-, by and between ABC Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under the law of the Republic of Korea, with its principle place of business at ---(ABC Copmpany 의 주소기재)(the ABC) and Hope Company, Ltd.,a corporation duly organized and existing under the law of the ---, with i..
서식 > 계약서 |
 원료물질수출승인신청서 ( 2Pages )
[별지 제48호의3서식] (앞쪽) 원료물질수출승인신청서 처리기간 10 일 ① 수출자[신청인] 무역업신고번호 (Exporter) (Notification No.) ② 수입자(Importer) 상호,주소,성명 (Name of Firm, Address, Name of Rep.) 상호,주소,성명 (Name of Firm, Address, Name of Rep.) (서명 또는 인) (Signature) ③ 위탁자 사업자등록번호 (Requester) (Business No.) ④ 금액(Total Amount) 상호,주소..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 Zlateh the Goat, The Elders of Chelm & Genendel's Key, Why Noah Chose the Dove, Elijah the Slave, A Hanukkah Evening in My Parents' House, ... ( 7Pages )
Zlateh the Goat, The Elders of Chelm & Genendel's Key, Why Noah Chose the Dove, Elijah the Slave, A Hanukkah Evening in My Parents' House, The Cat Who Thought She Was a dog & the Dog Who Thought He Was a Cat 총 6권의 단편 스토리를 읽고 난 후의 독후감입니다. Once upon a time, God said to Noah there was going to be a flood so he should build an ark that would float and shel..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
독후감, 영어독후감
 CertificateofImmunizations ( 2Pages )
Certificate of Immunizations Name : Date of Birth : Sex : Address : Last First Miiddle Zip code : Country of Birth : Phone Number : Immunization Vaccine RECORD INDIVIDUAL DATES OF EACH DOSE 1st dose 2nd dose 3rd dose 4th dose 5th dose *** Diphtheria & Tetanus toxoid M/D/Y M/D/Y M/D/Y M/D/Y M/D/Y *** Polio (Live oral Sabin) ..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 The Korea Commercial Arbitration Board ( 1Pages )
The Korea Commercial Arbitration Board 43RD.FLOOR. TRADE TOWER (KOREA WORLD TRADE CENTER) 159, SAMSUNG-DONG. KANGNAM-KU.SEOUL 138-789, KOREA Trade Center P.O. Box 50, CABLE ARBITRATION TEL : 5512000-19, FAX : (02)551-2020 To : THE Korean Commercial Arbitration Board REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION 1. Full Names and Addresses of Parties: (1) Claimant : Name of Corporation ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 상호합자계약서(JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT)(상세) ( 27Pages )
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this [1st] day of [December],[1994] by and between X Inc.,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(hereinafter referred to as Korea), with its principal office at ( Address of domestic investor) (hereinafter referred to as X) and Y Co.,a company organized and existing under the laws ..
서식 > 계약서 |
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