전체 (검색결과 약 2,442개 중 40페이지)

 cebupacific ( 24Pages )
cebupacific Contents 1. Company Description 1. Company Description -General Information The airline was established on August 26, 1988, which grants franchise to Cebu Air, Inc. As it is Philippine Airline, Cebu Pacific flies to 34 domestic destinations, and to 17 international destinations in 12 countries such as Taiwan, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Jakarta, Singapore, Tha..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
No. CERTIFICATE OF ENROLLEMENT Grade / Class : Name : Date of birth : Purpose : This is to certify that the above student is currently enrolled at the school as stated above on Feb. 25. 20 Feb. 25, 20 /S/Seal affixed Principal ○○○ Elementary School
서식 > 학교서식 |
 PACKING LIST ( 1Pages )
PACKING LIST ①Seller ⑦Invoice No. and date ②Consignee ⑧Buyer(if other than consignee) ⑨Other references ③Departure date ④Vessel/flight ⑤From ⑥To ⑩Shipping Marks ⑪No.&kind of packages ⑫Goods description ⑬Quantity or net weight ⑭Gross Weight ⑮Measurement Signed by
서식 > 회사서식 |
 일반특혜관세원산지증명서 ( 1Pages )
일반특혜관세원산지증명서입니다. 1.Goods consigned from(exporter's business name, address, country) 2.Goods consigned to (consignee's name, address, country) 3.Means of transport and route(as far as known) FROM : TO : BY : 4.For official use 5.Item num-ber 6.marks and numbers of package 7.Number and kind of packages; description of goods 8. Origin c..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
일반, 특혜, 관세, 원산지, 증명서
 인터넷 전화 ( 22Pages )
인터넷 전화에 대하여 인터넷전화(VOIP)란 인터넷 폰, IP전화 기존의 유선 전화망(PSTN)이 아닌 인터넷망(IP Network)을 이용, 음성통화를 구현하는 새로운 방식의 차세대 통신서비스 시내전화, 시외전화, 이동전화로의 통화 및 국제통화 모두 가능 VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)방식 사용 : 음성과 화상데이터를 인터넷 프로토콜 데이터 패킷으로 바꿔서 송수신 인터넷전화의 원리 인터넷..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 핫식스 Hot6ix 브랜드분석과 핫식스 광고전략분석및 핫식스 해외진출 글로벌전략 (영문레포트) ( 12Pages )
Global Marketing. -Hot 6ix 1. Company Lotte Chilsung Beverage Lotte Chilsung first stepped into the Korean beverage market in 1950 with Chilsung cider. Ever since then, the company has been devoted to continuous development and provided the public with qualified products. Other companies agree that Lotte Chilsung is the leader in the Korean beverage market. For more than h..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 프랜차이즈 서래 갈매기 기업분석및 마케팅전략(영문레포트) ( 15Pages )
목차 1. 서래 기업소개 1) 서래 선정이유 2) 연혁 3) 서래 본사위치 4) 주고객층 5) 기타사항 2. 마케팅 전략 3. 결론 1. Introduction There is a yellow bus in front of Hoegi station. There are some benches in front of that bus, and every evening these places are fully crowded by people. They are waiting to have a meal at Seorae Kalmaegi (we ll call here as Seorae from now on). ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 설비공급계약서(장비) ( 12Pages )
PLANT SUPPLY AGREEMENT This plant Supply Agreement(theAgreement) is made and entered into this ___ day of by and between ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ___ having its registered office at ___ (purchaser) and ___,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea having its registered office at ___ (Supplier) WITNESSETH..
서식 > 계약서 |
 토익 기출어휘 대탐험 ( 21Pages )
토익에 자주 등장하는 기출어휘들을 중심으로 공부하면서 단어 공부하는 시간을 아끼고자한다. 시험치기전 꼭 한번 읽고 가야할 매우 유용한 기출어휘 단어집. 001. The emergency equipment is tested (frequently) to ensure that it is in good condition test ~ frequently: ~를 빈번하게 테스트하다 Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women. 002. All partic..
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
토익, 단어, 숙어, 어휘
 영어교과 연구 수업 지도안 ( 12Pages )
Ⅰ. Master Plan 1. Text : High School English for Everyone 2. Unit : Lesson 4. Need Some Advice 3. Grade : First Grade 4. General Aims (1) Language Skills ① Listening: Understand the accurate situation after listening to the expressions about sympathy and advice. ② Speaking: Give some advice about friends several problems. ③ Reading: Express my opinion logically after readi..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 영어교과 연구 수업 지도안 ( 12Pages )
Ⅰ. Master Plan 1. Text : High School English for Everyone 2. Unit : Lesson 4. Need Some Advice 3. Grade : First Grade 4. General Aims (1) Language Skills ① Listening: Understand the accurate situation after listening to the expressions about sympathy and advice. ② Speaking: Give some advice about friends several problems. ③ Reading: Express my opinion logically after readi..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 영문 복직예정증명원 ( 1Pages )
CERTIFICATE OF RESUMPTION OF COMPANY Permanent address : 111 Hyundo Apt., #1111, Seochdong, Seochoku, Seoul, Korea. Present Address : #11, Seochdong, Seochoku, Seoul, Korea. Name in full : Hong Kil Dong Date of birth : July 1, 1970 KID No. :*** Position : Assistant Manager Department : Management Dept. Duration of employment : Mar. 1, 1995 July 1, 199..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 [물리치료학] gait[보행] 분석 ( 22Pages )
1. Locomotion vs. Ambulation 정의 Locomotion : the act or power of moving the body from place to place by means of one s own mechaisma or power. The term locomotion means movement or travel. It may refer to: • Motion (physics) • Animal locomotion • Terrestrial locomotion • Travel Locomotion may refer to specific types of motion: • Gait analysis • walking • running, including..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 [현황자료] Internet Usage Statistics in Korea ( 19Pages )
Internet Usage Statistics in Korea Introduction to the Survey Fieldwork dates 2003. 6. 16. 20 (20 days) Sample Size Households :7,117 households Individuals : 20,227 persons Population Households : 14,311,014 Population : 42,168,811(Year 2000 Census) Sample Eligibility Households : Households in sample districts Individuals : Family members aged 6 or older Data Collection Fac..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
 영문 플랜트수출계약서 ( 12Pages )
PLANT SUPPLY AGREEMENT This plant Supply Agreement(the Agreement) is made and entered into this day of by and between ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of having its registered office at (purchaser) and ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea having its registered office at (Supplier) WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, Supp..
서식 > 외국어서식 |
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