전체 (검색결과 약 1,315개 중 40페이지)

 아디다스,스포츠마케팅,마케팅전략,아디다스전략 ( 38Pages )
Impossible Is Nothing. Index About adidas reason of choice 4P analysis SWOT analysis STP strategy Compare to competitors Global marketing marketing in korea Index About adidas reason of choice 4P analysis SWOT analysis STP strategy Compare to competitors Global marketing marketing in korea About adidas reason of choice Why We choose About adidas reason of choice About Founda..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 취하서 작성 예문 ( 2Pages )
특허 취하서 작성 예문입니다. 취하서 【국제출원번호】 PCT/KR2006/006007 【제출기관】⊠수리관청 .국제예비심사기관 【출원인】 【성명(명칭)의 영문표기】 ABC CORPORATION 【주소의 영문표기】 100 Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 300-100, Republic of Korea 【출원인코드(주민등록번호, 법인등록번호)】1-2006-123456-7 【대리인】 【성명(명칭)의 영문표기】 KIM, Dae-ri 【주소..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
특허, 취하서, 예문
조달청 계약 내역 작성 서식입니다. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SERVICE THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA CONTRACT DATA End‐User Name Address Code No. P.R. No. Invitation No. Loan No. Method of Contract Contract No. Contract Date Bid Opening Date Conversion Rate Contract Amount (USD) FOB Ex‐Factory Max. Frt. CFR/CPT FCA CIF/CIP DDU DDP ...
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 법인설립계약서(COOPERATION AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT(영문-법인설립계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between SAM. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 1820 N. Lincoln 57, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called SAM) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the law..
서식 > 계약서 |
 외국인등록신청서 ( 1Pages )
법무부 MINISTRY OF JUSTICE 외국인등록증(재)발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE(REISSUANCE) OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE 성명 SURNAME 漢字 성별 sex 남M GIVEN NAMES 여F 생년월일 Date of Birth ... Year Month Day 국적 Nationality 본국주소 Home Address 직위 Position 대한민국내주소 Address in Korea 입국일자 ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 (조달)외자계약서-영문 ( 3Pages )
PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SERVICE THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA CONTRACT DATA End-User Name Address Code No. P.R. No. Invitation No. Loan No. Method of Contract Contract No. Contract Date Bid Opening Date Conversion Rate Contract Amount (USD) FOB Ex-Factory Max. Frt. CFR/CPT FCA CIF/CIP DDU DDP Other Charges Total $ ....
서식 > 계약서 |
 평균세액증명서발급물품지정신청서(을) ( 2Pages )
평균세액증명서 발급물품 지정신청서(을) 사업장명 사업자등록번호 ⑤란 ⑥HS ⑦품명 ⑤란 ⑥HS ⑦품명 처리기간 :즉시 Handing Time : Immediate ①상호 (Name of Firm) ②업종 (Name of Firm) ③주소 (Korea Address) ④전화번호 (Phone Number) ⑤팩스번호 ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 법인설립계약서(COOPERATION AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between C.S. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 1820 N. Lincoln 57, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called CS) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of K..
서식 > 계약서 |
RESIDENT CERTIFICATE 영문 거주확인서 작성 서식입니다. RESIDENT CERTIFICATE For the Purpose of Double Taxation Convention between Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Korea Ⅰ. Korean Payer of Income Address Name Ⅱ. Beneficial Owner of Income Address Name Ⅲ. Description of Income Nature of Income Date of Payment Accrual Period ofIncome Amount of Income ...
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 스타벅스,스타벅스마케팅,스타벅스전략,스타벅스분석,스타벅스마케팅전략,스타벅스영문마케팅,스타벅스영어마케팅,영문마케팅,영어마케팅,스타벅스서비스마케팅 ( 36Pages )
Service Design for Starbucks Coffee Redesign of existing service at Starbucks Coffee morning coffee delivery Introduction of Starbucks Problems of the Starbucks in Korea Service Highlights STP SWOT 7P’s Service Blueprint Relationship Marketing Other Expected Outcome Benefits 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Contents Introduction of Starbucks Delivery Starbucks wa..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 업무제휴계약서2 ( 3Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between 000. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 000 N. Lincoln 00, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called 00) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kore..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 조달청계약서0102 ( 3Pages )
PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SERVICE THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA CONTRACT DATA End-User Name Address Code No. P.R. No. Invitation No. Loan No. Method of Contract Contract No. Contract Date Bid Opening Date Conversion Rate Contract Amount (USD) FOB Ex-Factory Max. Frt. CFR I/P CIP Other Charges Total H.S.K. No. Commodity Insurance Premium ....
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 거래제의서 ( 2Pages )
Circular Letter July 1, 1999 Mr. ABC Purchasing Manager ()()() Corporation 10 Leonards Lane, Thorofare 000 USA Dear 000: Our company has been recommended as a major distributor of sports goods by the Commercial Counsellor's office of the US embassy in Korea. We, ABC Trading Coprporation, is one of the largest sports wear trading companies in Korea and expo..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 거래제의서 ( 2Pages )
Circular Letter July 1, 1999 Mr. ABC Purchasing Manager ()()() Corporation 10 Leonards Lane, Thorofare 000 USA Dear 000: Our company has been recommended as a major distributor of sports goods by the Commercial Counsellor's office of the US embassy in Korea. We, ABC Trading Coprporation, is one of the largest sports wear trading companies in Korea and exporting the water..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 하이네켄,마케팅브랜드,브랜드전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 27Pages )
글로벌 브랜드 창출방안 Contents Why Heineken 1 2 Heineken 2 What is Brand Power of Heineken 3 경쟁브랜드의 브랜드이미지 4 Heineken 의 구매요인 5 Hite 6 Hite, 글로벌브랜드창출방안 7 Why Heineken 1 Heineken - Heineken’s image in Korea 2 트랜드모니터 - 해외 맥주 선호도 조사 Heineken - Heineken’s image in Korea 2 트랜드모니터 - 맥주 선호도 조사 Heineken - The history ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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