전체 (검색결과 약 28,191개 중 40페이지)

 영문 여권신청서 ( 1Pages )
Last name First MI For Personnel use only Date of application Street address Type(s) of work desired Social Security number City State ZIP Home telephone Work telephone How were you referred to Blue Sky (Circle only one.) A By your college B Advertisement C Employment agency D By an employee If so, give name: E Open house F Walk-in G Other Please read carefully and c..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
STRATEGIC PLANNING CHECKLIST A strategic planning meeting should be held on an annual basis, if not more frequent. The meeting should include all executive managers as well as any key supervisors with front-line knowledge and experience. A copy of the business plan should be present at the meeting so it can be referred to when needed. Keep in mind the intent of the meeting..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문이력서 5종-IT 다국적 기업 채용담당자가 직접 추천 ( 11Pages )
제가 IT 다국적 기업의 채용담당자로 일하면서 받아본 수많은 영문이력서 중에서 다국적 기업에 맞는, 또한 채용가능성이 많은 이력서를 5개 묶어봅니다. 이러한 이력서는 미국이나 캐나다등에 직접 제출해도 경쟁력이 있으리라 생각됩니다. 이런 이력서를 통해서 좋은 직장 구하시기 바랍니다. 본문내용중... EXPERIENCE : Have 4+ years experience in software development at university. I’ve use..
서식 > 이력서 |
 맥노널드-기업분석 ( 29Pages )
Mc Donald’s Wendy’s Financial Analysis Contents 1. 2. Firm Performance Measures 3. Summary Recommendations 4. Introduction Industry and Company Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Introduction and Industry Company Analysis Part 1. Introduction 1. Mc Donald s The biggest company in fast food industry 2. Wendy’s In 2008, Wendy’s is merged with Triarc. -] The third larges..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 신용장양도신청서(분할양도) ( 1Pages )
APPLICATION FOR ADVICE OF PARTIAL TRANSFER ━━━ 인 지 TO THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF KOREA, LTD. DATE : YOUR ADVICE NO. L/C No. For Favour Opening Bank Gentleman: We hereby irrevocably transfer in part the above-mentioned credit to under the same terms and conditions of the credit with the following exceptions: ....
서식 > 회사서식 |
 대한한공재무제표분석,재무제표분석사례,대한한공분석,대한한공기업분석,영문재무제표분석,영어재무제표분석 ( 26Pages )
Financial Statement Analysis Principles of Financial Accounting Final Team Project Contents What is the Korean Air Overview Vision, Mission Business What is the Korean Air Contents Income Statement Although 2009’s Sales Revenue was less than 2008’s, Korean air showed better condition in Gross Profit ratio( 13% -] 15%) and Net income. Financial Statement Balance Sheet Asset ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 KT와SK텔레콤,KT재무분석,SKT재무분석,SK텔레콤재무분석,통신사재무분석,재무분석사례 ( 60Pages )
Financial Management KT와 SK텔레콤 1. 기업 선정 배경 2. Financial Statements 3. Working with Financial Statements 4. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation 5. Equity Markets and Stock Valuation 6. Making Capital Investment Decisions 7. Risk and Return 8. Cost of Capital 9. Leverage and Capital Structure 목차 Part 1. 기업 선정 SKT ‘점유율 50%’ 철옹성 깨지나 4 국내 이동통신업계에 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 사회적마케팅,나이키사례,마케팅전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 49Pages )
마케팅관리 Ⅰ. 서론 1. 기업의 사회적 책임 2. 사회적 마케팅 3. 현재 국내 기업들의 사회적 마케팅 활동 현황 Ⅱ. 사회적마케팅 성공사례 1. 그린마케팅 베네통 자전거 캠페인 2. 그린마케팅 THE BODY SHOP 캠페인 Ⅲ. 사회적마케팅 실패사례 1. 나이키 사의 ‘ Considered’ Ⅳ. 결론 Ⅴ. 참고문헌 Contents Caution 사회적마케팅 조 이름 선정 이유 Not 애코^^, But 에코(eco)조!!! 1. Ecology (생태..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 VivaStudio ( 23Pages )
You know what I put on - VivaStudio About Vivastudio (KW million) Source: Vivastudio Vivastudio was founded in 2008 August Clothing brand which is private business Capital is 350 million won and no debt 2 CEOs, 2 Staff and 1 Part time worker 1. OverView 2. Current Strategy 3. Performance 4. Appraisal 5. Recommendation 6. Evaluation 5 Force Model Threat of new entry Few ec..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 신용장양도신청서(분할) ( 1Pages )
신용장양도신청서(분할)입니다. TO THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF KOREA, LTD. DATE : YOUR ADVICE NO. L/C No. For Favour Opening Bank Gentleman: We hereby irrevocably transfer in part the above-mentioned credit to under the same terms and conditions of the credit with the following exceptions: ⑴The amount to be transferred: ... 생략
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
신용장양도, 양도신청, 신청서, 신용장
 맥도날드,기업분석,경영전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 29Pages )
Mc Donald’s Wendy’s Financial Analysis Contents 1. 2. Firm Performance Measures 3. Summary Recommendations 4. Introduction Industry and Company Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Introduction and Industry Company Analysis Part 1. Introduction 1. Mc Donald s The biggest company in fast food industry 2. Wendy’s In 2008, Wendy’s is merged with Triarc. -] The third larges..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [영문판]SK기업분석,SK마케팅전략,SK경영전략 ( 26Pages )
Strategy for Index Industry Overview Sources: Korea Communications Commission, Company Websites, 2011. 10 SKT presentation 03 Recent Issues 04 SKT’s Strategy 01 Industry Analysis 02 Company Analysis 05 Conclusion Industry Overview Telecommunications Industry Wireless Communication Wired Communication Saturated subscription rate (104% of population) leaves the market with di..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [정치학] 냉전과 탈냉전 ( 31Pages )
냉전과 탈냉전 냉전(冷戰, Cold War) 냉전의 의미 일반적으로, 실제적인 전투와 같은 직접적 적대행위가 없는 전쟁상태를 의미한다. 미국 중심의 자유진영과 소련 중심의 공산진영이 양극체제하에서 형성한 50여 년간의 갈등 상황을 의미 냉전의 발단(원인과 역사적 배경) 폴란드 및 동유럽 정부 수립 문제 동아시아 지역에서 전후 처리 문제 핵무기를 둘러싼 갈등 그리스와 터키에 대한 소련의 개..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 유니레버의 한국진출,도브샴푸,도브한국진출,도브의문제점 ( 18Pages )
Loading 유니레버의 한국진출(도브중심) CONTENTS 서 론 기업소개 한국진출과정 합작경영실패 유니레버코리아설립 본 론 유니레버 대표브랜드 도브 도브 한국진출(성공요인) 도브의 문제점 결 론 도브의 재도약 방안 Ⅰ. 서론 contents 1. 1 기업소개 유니레버 설립배경 영국의 Lever Brothers 네덜란드의 Margarine Unie 합동 설립 현황 전 세계 150여개 국에서 생활용품 및 식품을 판매해 $429억불의 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Final Project(Final) ( 23Pages )
You know what I put on - VivaStudio About Vivastudio (KW million) Source: Vivastudio Vivastudio was founded in 2008 August Online apparel mall which is private business Capital is 350 million won and No debt 2 CEO, 2 Staff and 1 Part time worker 5 Force Model Threat of new entry No economies of scale Increasing size of industry Supplier Power A number of suppliers exist ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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