전체 (검색결과 약 9,904개 중 43페이지)

 [영어회화-교양과목] 작문 레포트 ( 2Pages )
the Wonderful Life of University Do you like studying for exams Do you like same style Then, how about strict rules Many people say that university life is good. But, high school life is most wonderful they ever had. However, I feel strongly that university life is better than high school life. There are three good reasons to support this view. It s my time , freedom and ch..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 Final Project(Final) ( 23Pages )
You know what I put on - VivaStudio About Vivastudio (KW million) Source: Vivastudio Vivastudio was founded in 2008 August Online apparel mall which is private business Capital is 350 million won and No debt 2 CEO, 2 Staff and 1 Part time worker 5 Force Model Threat of new entry No economies of scale Increasing size of industry Supplier Power A number of suppliers exist ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영어2 13과 On Global Trade ( 3Pages )
영어2 13과 On Global Trade 해석본 입니다^^ 영어2 13과 On Global Trade 해석본 입니다^^ 열린 무역 <"Leaking Boats"> “물이 새는 배들” 지리의 영향 보호정책 벗어나는 방법 On Global Trade 세계무역 열린 무역 For the first time in history, almost the entire world is now sharing the same economic system. ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
영어 해석본, 영어해석, 영문해석, 세계무역, 열린무역, On Global Trade, On Global Trade 해석, 번역, 영문번역, 영어번역
 스마트신발,스마트제품,나이키스마트신발,아이폰과연계한나이키신발,스마트사례,스마트제품영문판 ( 22Pages )
Run! more Smartly Nike + iPod iPhone contents What is Nike+ How to use Nike+ What IT used in Nike+ Effect of Nike+ Strength of Nike+ Reference What is Nike+ Helps you track your -Distance -Pace -Time -Calories burn while you run -You can send your run’s record on Nike+ online. -You can set goals, join challenges and connect with friends in the Nike+ community. What is Nike+..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Lille Tissages ( 29Pages )
Lille Tissages, S.A. 2 Agenda Basic Case Analysis Questions Solving Q1. Should Lille Tissages lower the price to FF15 Q2. If the department that produces Item 345 was a profit center and if you were the manager of that department, would it be to your financial advantage to lower the price Q3. Is there any possibility that competition might raise their prices if Lille Tissages..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 선박회사,STX,대우조선,삼성중공업,선박회사분석 ( 54Pages )
Shipbuilding industry Contents Introduction of shipbuilding industry Introduction of selected company Six analysis Conclusion Introduction Company Analysis Conclusion Shipbuilding industry What is the shipbuilding industry Shipbuilding is the construction of ships and floating vessels. It normally takes place in a specialized facility known as a shipyard. Introduction..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 FootprintsintheSand ( 3Pages )
1.원문 Footprints in the Sand Mary Stevenson One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 수학계획서(studyplan) ( 1Pages )
수학계획서 (study plan) ※ 한국어나 영어로 타자를 치거나 깨끗이 쓰십시오 (Please Type or Print clearly in Korean or English) 성명(Name) : 서명 또는 날인(signature or seal) 국적(Citizenship) : 생년월일(Date of Birth) : 1. ○○대학교에서 수학하고자 하는 목적 (Purpose of Study in ○○ National University) 2. 전공하고자 하는 분야 및 선택 이유 (What major do yo..
서식 > 자기소개서 |
 영문 고용계약서3 ( 3Pages )
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Employment Agreement, between___(the Company) and ___ (the Employee). 1. For good consideration, the Company employees the Employee on the following terms and conditions. 2. Term of Employment. Subject to the provisions for termination set forth below this agreement will begin on ___, 21____, unless sooner terminated. 3. Salary. The Company s..
서식 > 계약서 |
 Adidas,아디다스경영전략,아디다스마케팅사례,스포츠마케팅,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케팅,글로벌경영,사례분석,swot,stp,4p ( 57Pages )
INTRO 01 INTRO 02 INDUSTRY OVERVEIW 03 ADIDAS’ GLOBAL STRATEGY 04 SWOT 05 SOLUTION 01 Introduction 01 Introduction Group History Adidas was registered as a company named after its founder: Adi from Adolf and Das from Dassler. 1949 The Foundation Focus on products only for the professional athletes 50’s~ 60’s 1995 Adidas goes Public. Flotation of the company on the Frankfur..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 동업자동의서 ( 2Pages )
PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ___ The partners listed above hereby agree that they shall be considered partners in business upon the commencement date of this PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT for the following purpose: ___ ___ The terms and conditions of this partnership are as follows: 1. The NAME of the partnership shall be: ___ 2. The PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS of the partnership s..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 지방재정건전성 측정에 대한 연구 ( 19Pages )
지방재정건전성 측정에 대한 연구 차례 Ⅰ. 서론: 재정관리제도의 개관 Ⅱ. 제도도입의 필요성과 한계 Ⅲ. 재정운영상황측정의 기본체계 Ⅳ. 세부측정 내용 Ⅴ. 향후 발전방안 〔Abstract〕 The local financial management system is a budget management technology to manage it to more sound and efficient. For this, financial performance should be executed and be focused on current cost and por..
논문 > 사회과학분야 |
 보험료청산요청서신 ( 1Pages )
보험료 청산 요청 서신 Dear Sirs: Complying to your request dated 22nd October, we have effected insurance for 2,300 on ten (10) cases of woolen piece goods from Pusan to Genoa per S.S. Korean Bear, ETD 6th November at the rate of 18/per cent A.A.R. We are enclosing your debit note for the same and would appreciate it very much if you would send a check directly to ou..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영어1 11과 How Well Does Democracy Work ( 4Pages )
영어1 11과 How Well Does Democracy Work 입니다^^ 영어1 11과 How Well Does Democracy Work 입니다^^ You will often have been told that you live in a democracy and that this is wonderful, something that should be exported all over the world. But what does democracy mean and how does it work? 당신은 종종 당신이 민주주의에 살고 있다는 말을 듣게 될 것이며, 이 민주주의는 멋진 것이..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
영어1 11과 How Well Does Democracy Work, 영어, 해석, 민주주의가 어떻게 잘 작동하는가
 시계 및 시계부품 제조업의 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
시계, 시계부품, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Watches, Clocks and its Parts 1991년부터 2000년까지 연도별 시계 및 시계부품 제조업의 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
시계, 시계부품, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Watches, Clocks and its Parts
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