전체 (검색결과 약 7,953개 중 44페이지)

 성공의법칙,성공마케팅,아이리버,리바이스,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례, ( 36Pages )
마케팅 불변의 법칙 - 성공의 법칙 - 성공의 법칙이란 성공의 법칙 사례 결론 Contents Levi’s iriver Entertainer Chap. 1 성공의 법칙이란 2. The law of success- Entertaner 은연중에 TV에서 성공의 법칙을 들어보신 적은 없으신가요 이 시대의 마지막 밀리언셀러 2. The law of success - 조성모 2. The law of success - 조성모 성공은 종종 오만으로 이끌어가고 오만은 실패로 이끌어간다. 1. W..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 물품 매매 계약서(영문) ( 9Pages )
물품 매매 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. 물품매매계약서(SALES CONTRACT) Increased Costs : If Seller's costs of performance are Increased after the date of this Contract by reason of increased freight rates,taxes or other governmental charges, and insurance rates(including war risk) or if any variation in rates of exchange increases Seller's costs or reduces Seller's return..
서식 > 계약서 |
물품, 매매, 계약서, 영문
 호적등본(말소?제적된자 포함) ( 2Pages )
호적등본(말소제적된자 포함) /Family Census Register(Including Cancelled or Removed Person) 본적 (Legal Domicile) 호적편제 (Register Compilation) [편제일/Date of Compilation] 전산이기 (Register Data Processing) [이기일/Date of Data Processing] [이기사유/Reason for Data Processing] 호적법시행규칙 부칙 제2조 제1항/Section 2-1 of the Subsidiary rule of the Family Reg..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT(Employment Agreement ) made and entered into this 1st day of October, 1974, by and between Kanto G.T Kabushiki Kaisha(Employer),a Japanese stock company, and M.SAKAMAKI(Employee ). WITNESSETH THAT : WHEREAS, Employer has agreed to acquire certain assets of Kanto G.T., pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement (the Agreeme..
서식 > 계약서 |
 고도를 기다리며 독후감-영문 독후감 ( 1Pages )
[Waiting for Godot] At first, I was perplexed because of the proceed of story with two heroes meaningless dialog. What means their dialog. Are they crazy I just confused through the story. ....
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
 비밀준수계약(영문).doc ( 5Pages )
Whereas the Recipient has been fully informed of and satisfied itself as to the confidential nature of the Proprietary Information (as hereinafter defined) and as to the content of any and all stipulations hereinafter contained ; Whereas the Recipient has agreed to maintain the trade secret status of such information ; Whereas ABC is prepared to disclose, at ABC's selection..
서식 > 계약서 |
 Flexible display ( 31Pages )
Flexible display Roles Introduction - Selected topics reason Main arguments - conditions of substrates - Kinds of substrates - PI structure - PI Advantages / disadvantages - PI disadvantages Resolution - PI Construction - PEN Advantages / disadvantages - Comparison of PEN Conclusion - Prospect Table of Contents Introduction Place, time is not no restriction on t..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 홍삼,한삼인,웰빙건강,마케팅전략,건강음료시장,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 43Pages )
한삼인의 유혹 Contents The problem of Hansamin for 4Ps The expectation effect and After Control 1.The analysis of present conditions and the reason of project 출처: 식품의약품안정청 영양기능식품정책과, 09.03.19일자 한겨례 ‘나이속인 홍삼 6년근 과속스캔들’ Our Object 1.The analysis of present conditions and the reason of project cont’d 출처: 09.03.19일자 한겨례 ‘나이속인 홍삼..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 TheFallingoftheLeaves ( 2Pages )
1.원문 The Falling of the Leaves Autumn is over the long leaves that love us, And over the mice in the barley sheaves; Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us, And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves. The hour of the waning of love has beset us, And weary and worn are our sad souls now; Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us, With a kiss and a tear on thy droop..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 [레포트] 방사선 레포트 ( 4Pages )
방사선 레포트 병록 번호 : 99005 성별, 나이 :F/37 환자 성명 : 이순복 C.C. : 좌측 구치부가 아파서 P.I. : onset: 2002. 4. 8 course : odontogenic. #34, #35, #37, #45 now :1. percussion test of #34, #35, #37, #45 (++) 2. Mobility of 34, 35, 37, 45 (+) 3. EPT of #34(-) #35(-) #37(+) #45(+) 4. Multiple radiolucency lesion of Mn. P.H. : Allegic reaction *신경성 위염으로 몇 년전..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 [현황과전망] 한중관계 정상화 10주년에서 본 현황과 동북아 지역 정세분석 ( 21Pages )
한중관계 정상화 10주년에서 본 현황과 동북아 지역 정세분석 The present state upon the tenth anniversary of the normalization of Korean-Chinese relations and an analysis of the situation in Northeast Asia ....
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 영문 mou 계약서(개인정보분야) ( 2Pages )
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Research on Personal Data Protection between the Korea Information Security Agency and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong The Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong (PCO) (hereinafter  the two parties ) enter into ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 소고기수입 판매 및 구매 계약서(SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT) ( 3Pages )
SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT(소고기수입) Date : July __, 2003 Contract No. :- This Sale and Purchase Contract (the Contract) is made on ___th day of July, 2003 by and between BiefDil Company, Ltd (the Seller) and HamBuy Corp. (the Buyer) in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 1. Description of Good / Quantity / Unit Price / Total Amount: H..
서식 > 계약서 |
 대한민국과( )간의이중과세방지협약적용대상거주자증명서 ( 1Pages )
[별지 제18호 서식] 발급번호 Issuing Number 대한민국과 ( )간의 이중과세방지협약 적용대상 거주자증명서 Certification of Residence for the purpose of the Double Taxation Convention between the Republic of Korea and () 1. 소득자 Beneficiary ①주소 Address ② 상호 Name of Company (Fill in if the recipient is not individual) ③성명 Name ④ 사업자등록번호(주민..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 대한민국과()간의이중과세방지협약적용대상거주자증명서 ( 1Pages )
[별지 제18호 서식] 발급번호 Issuing Number 대한민국과 ( )간의 이중과세방지협약 적용대상 거주자증명서 Certification of Residence for the purpose of the Double Taxation Convention between the Republic of Korea and () 1. 소득자 Beneficiary ①주소 Address ②상호 Name of Company (Fill in if the recipient is not individual) ③성명 Name ④사업자등록번호(주..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50