전체 (검색결과 약 6,118개 중 44페이지)

 법인설립계약서(COOPERATION AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between C.S. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 1820 N. Lincoln 57, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called CS) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of K..
서식 > 계약서 |
 가격수준에따른단일원산지와복합원산지패션제품에관한소비자평가연구 ( 20Pages )
가격수준에 따른 단일원산지와 복합원산지 패션 제품에 관한 소비자 평가 연구 A Study on Consumer Evaluation of Uni-national and Bi-national Fashion Products by Price Level 황선진*․이윤경** [목차] Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 Ⅲ. 연구방법 Ⅳ. 결과 및 분석 Ⅴ. 결론 참고문헌 1) [ Abstract ] The purpose of this study was to examine the consumer evaluation of uni-national and bi-nation..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 [축제] 충북 지역문화축제행사의 실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구 ( 16Pages )
충북 지역문화축제행사의 실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구 Research on ChungBuk Cultural Event-festivals * Abstract The purpose of this study is to survey on cultural festivals which are done in ChungBuk to figure out their problems and to suggest a improved solution. The survey showed that there have been about 70 festivals for a year in ChungBuk and that their themes have been ..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 비밀계약서(SECRECY AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
SECRECY AGREEMENT THIS Agreement, entered into this day of , 20 by and having its between having its registered office at (hereinafter called ABC ) at having its office at (hereinafter called the Recipient) WITNESSETH: Whereas the Recipient has been fully informed of and satisfied itself as to the confidential nature of the proprietary Information(as hereinafter defi..
서식 > 계약서 |
 페이스북 ( 34Pages )
Say you Know “Trend” Then go for -To Attract Cyworld customer through Image Differentiation- ● ● ● ● ● 1. Executive summary 2. Current marketing situation 2.1 Market Analysis 2.2 Customer Analysis 2.3 Competitor analysis 2.4 SWOT analysis 3. Marketing strategy 3.1 marketing objectives and Issue 3.2 Segmentation and Targeting 3.3 Positioning 3.4 Marketing mix strategy..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 독점계약서 ( 1Pages )
독점계약서(Exclusive Sales Contract) An exclusive sales contract has been entered into June 25, 20 between the Korea Exporting Co.,C.P.O. Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the American Importing Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions. 1. Party A grants to Party B the right of sole..
서식 > 계약서 |
 대한민국과 ()간의이중과세방지협약적용대상거주자증명서_Certification of Residence for the purpose of the Double Taxation Convention between the Republic of Korea and () ( 1Pages )
[별지 제18호 서식] 발급번호 Issuing Number 대한민국과 ( )간의 이중과세방지협약 적용대상 거주자증명서 Certification of Residence for the purpose of the Double Taxation Convention between the Republic of Korea and () 1. 소득자 Beneficiary ①주소 Address ②상호 Name of Company (Fill in if the recipient is not individual) ③성명 Name ④사업자등록번호(주민등..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 영어2 18과 Biological Clocks ( 3Pages )
영어2 18과 Biological Clocks 해석본 입니다^^ 영어2 18과 Biological Clocks 해석본 입니다^^ 생물학적 시계   If you have ever flown across several time zones, you have experienced jet lag. You arrived in a new time zone, but your body was still living on the time in the old zone. You were wide awake and ready for dinner in the middle of the night, and you wanted to sleep al..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
영어 해석본, 생물학적 시계, 생물학적 시계 해석, 생물학적 시계 번역, 영어2, 18과해석, 18과 번역, Biological Clocks, Biological Clocks 해석, Biological Clocks 번역
 March,2001 ( 2Pages )
March , 2001 VIA EXPRESS DELIVERY/EMAIL support@domaindiscover.com === Dear sir. NAME :... E-Mail :... ADDRESS :... TEL :... Agreement : Yes (Yes means the proof that I signed this petition.) I agree to these requests and hope Domaindiscover to be an independent registrar which respects for customer's rights and benefits. A (written) petition === Domaindi..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 마케팅의 개념(정의)과 중요성에 대해 설명하시오 ( 3Pages )
마케팅의 개념(정의)과 중요성에 대해 설명하시오 마케팅의 개념과 중요성 1. 마케팅의 개념과 정의 마케팅이란 개인이나 조직의 욕구충족과 목표달성을 위한 교환을 창출하기 위하여 제품, 서비스, 아이디어를 개발하고, 가격을 결정하며, 이들에 관한 정보를 제공(촉진)하고, 유통하는데 관련된 제반 활동을 계획하고 집행하는 과정이다. 마케팅(marketing)은 시장이란 뜻의 market에 현재 진행형인 ~..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
개념 정의설명, 특성 특징 중요성, 문제점 해결방안, 영향요인 실태분석, 비교분석 견해, 개선과제 개념이해, 연구방법 사례
 오퍼시트 ( 1Pages )
Exporter Manufactures Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul OFFER SHEET We are pleased to offer the under-mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows Items No. Commodity Description Unit Quantity ....
서식 > 회사서식 |
 21세기 존경받는 새로운 부자,욘족(Yawns) ( 8Pages )
21세기 존경받는 새로운 부자, 욘족(Yawns) 욘족(Yawns)이란 Young And Wealthy but Normal 각 시대별 부자들의 모습 조선일보 2007. 7.16 대표적 욘족(Yawns) ....
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 애플,스티브잡스,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례 ( 18Pages )
01_ Introduction 01_ Introduction Apple Market shares Financial condition -Apple today announced financial results for its fiscal 2012 first quarter. Apple posted record quarterly revenue of $46.33 billion and record quarterly net profit of $13.06 billion, or $13.87 per diluted share. Partners of Apple 02_A process of Apple’s growth 1976 1977 1984 1985 2000 Steve Jobs came ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 코카콜라마케팅 ( 21Pages )
Do you know Coca-Cola Marketing CONTENTS 1. The reason why we chose Coca-Cola 2. Corporate Profile and History 3. Successful marketing strategy of Coca-Cola - Media marketing - Social marketing - Character marketing - Sports marketing 4. The future of Coca-Cola 5. Questions The reason why we chose Coca-Cola Coca-Cola is the product we can access easily Coca-Cola won the..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 LetItBeForgotten ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Let It Be Forgotten Let it be forgotten as a flow'r is forgotten, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. Let it be forgotten forever and ever. Time is a kind friend, he will make us old. If anyone should ask say it was forgotten, Long and long ago. As a flow'r, as a fire, as a hushed foot-fall In a long forgotten snow. (Sara Teasdale) 2.해석 잊어버려요 ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
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