전체 (검색결과 약 19,697개 중 49페이지)

 르카프-스포츠마케팅,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 14Pages )
5-Year Marketing Plan -Anytime Sports, Lecaf- 1. Executive Summary   Lecaf is a Korean sportswear company. They make pretty good quality sportswear, and probably rank among the top few Korean sportswear brands. It is subsidiary of Hwaseung which is one of the best 10 Korean corporations. Hwaseung was OEM partener of Nike and Reebok in 1980s. Lecaf was launched as Nike beca..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement (Agreement) is made this ___th day of ____ 2003, by and between Super Corp.,a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of ___ with its principal place of business at ___(Super) and Planning Inc, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of ___ with its principal place of business at ___(Planning). Now, THEREFORE, in c..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문-비밀계약서 ( 3Pages )
비밀계약서 영문판입니다. THIS Agreement, entered into this ___ day of ___ , 2001 by and having its between ___ having ___ its ___ registered office at ___ (hereinafter called " XYZ") ___ at ___ having its office at ___ (hereinafter called the "Recipient") SECRECY AGREEMENT(영문‐비밀계약서) THIS Agreement, entered into this ___ day of ___ , 2001 by and having its between..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 캐나다송장 ( 2Pages )
Revenue Canada Revenu Canada CANADA CUSTOMS INVOICE Customs and Excise Douanes et Accise FACTURE DES DOUANES CANADIENNES Page of de 1. Vendor (Name and Address) / Vendeur (Nom et adresse) 2. Date of Direct Shipment to Canada / Date d'axpedition directe vers le Canada 3. Other References (include Purchaser's Order No.) Autres references (Inclure ie no de commande de I'ac..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 거래관계제휴요청서신 ( 2Pages )
거래관계 제휴 요청서신 Dear Sirs, Date: April 12, 2000 Re: Training Suits. With reference to the discussions we had with Mr. Kim of your Amsterdam office, the essence of which will have been known to you already, we have pleasure in sending you herewith a formal order sheet for 50,000 sets of training suits. Next to the particulars given we have to make several other r..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 C ++ 레퍼런스 학습용. ( 277Pages )
학습용으로 제작된 레퍼런스 입니다. 언어는 영문이고 독해가 되시는 분만 받으세용 63 페이지로 구성되어 있습니다. C# Language Reference Owners: Anders Hejlsberg and Scott Wiltamuth File: C# Language Reference.doc Last saved: 6/12/2000 Last printed: 6/8/2000 Version 0.17b Notice This documentation is an early release of the final documentation, which may be changed substantia..
정보/기술 > 프로그램소스 |
 기타 선박 건조업의 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
기타, 선박, 건조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Other Building and Repairing of Ships and Boats 1991년부터 2000년까지 연도별 기타 선박 건조업의 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
기타, 선박, 건조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Other Building and Repairing of Ships and Boats
 기타 의료용 기기 제조업의 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
기타, 의료용, 기기, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Other Medical and Surgical Equipment and O 1991년부터 2000년까지 연도별 기타 의료용 기기 제조업의 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
기타, 의료용, 기기, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Other Medical and Surgical Equipment and O
 기타 기관 및 터빈 제조업의 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
기타, 기관, 터빈, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Other Engines and Steam and Gas Turbines 1991년부터 2000년까지 연도별 기타 기관 및 터빈 제조업의 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
기타, 기관, 터빈, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Other Engines and Steam and Gas Turbines
 [경영학] 보쉬(BOSCH) ( 18Pages )
2004.11.18 Understanding of Modern Business Human Resource Management of German companies through BOSCH 2004.11.18 Understanding of Modern Business Contents 1. Introduction to the subject 2. Features of German companies - about work time, vacation and etc. - comparison with other European countries 3. About BOSCH - Introduction - Features in Human Resource Management 4. A..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Independent Agent Agreement ( 1Pages )
Independent Agent Agreement File: 12345-A123 October 23, 2007 To ○○○ COLLEGE Attn ○○○/ President Subject : Independent Agent Agreement of ○○○ College We are transmitting 5page(s) including this page. Our connection company name is ○○○ Emigration Corporation and the other one ○○○ Seoul Branch. If you do not receive all page, please telephone the operator at (0..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 독후감 ( 4Pages )
The little match girl It was so bitterly cold. it was snowing, and the evening was growing dark. it was also the last evening of the year. new Year's Eve. In this cold and in this darkness a poor little girl was walking along the street. to be sure, she had been wearing slippers when she left home, but what was the good of that The slippers were quite big; her mother had use..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
 영문 운송계약서(BAY OF BENGAL_JAPAN_BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE의 운송인과 일반하주) ( 3Pages )
BAY OF BENGAL/JAPAN/BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE /GREMENT FOR THE CARRIAGE OF FREIGHT. The purpose of this Agreement made between ... hereinafter called the SHIPPER, and the Members of the BAY OF BENGAL/JAPAN/BAY OF BENGAL CONFERENCE hereinafter called the CARRIERS, is to assure to the Shipper on the one hand frequent and regular opportunities by the vessels of the Carrier..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영시 해석 On First Looking into Chapmans Homer ( 2Pages )
영시 해석 On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 1. 원문 Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne; Yet did I never breathe its pure serene Till I heard Chapman speak ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 [영문자기소개서]완벽한 영문자기소개서 ( 1Pages )
영문으로 작성된 자기 소개서입니다. 대학교 교직원에 채용될 당시 제출했던 자기 소개서 입니다. 1st Feb 2012 I wish to thank you for the opportunity to apply for the position of your organization I graduated from Bakik-Il high school and majored in Marketing & Production to study business skills at HANKOOK university. Among them, I was very interested in communicating and servi..
서식 > 외국어서식 |
영문자기소개서 , 외국어자기소개서 , 영문소개서 , 자기소개서 , 소개서 , 영어자기소개서 , 영어자소서 , 영문자소서 , 외국어자소서
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50