전체 (검색결과 약 2,353개 중 50페이지)

 [교육학] 논문 작성법 ( 16Pages )
논문작성법 목차 연구의 과정 (Research Process) 1. 연구문제 확인 (Identifying a research problem) 연구문제의 구체화 (Specifying a problem) 연구문제의 정당화 (Justifying it) 연구의 필요성 제시 (Suggesting the need to study it for audience) 2. 문헌 고찰 (Reviewing the literature) 자료 찾기 (Locating resources) 자료 선택 (Selecting resources) 자료 요약 (Summarizing reso..
논문 > 농학분야 |
 영문 이력서 ( 3Pages )
BALA KRISHNA MOHAN T. CAREER OBJECTIVE: To work as a Software professional in the area of software development where I can design, develop and implement varied systems. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad First Class with Distinction in 1995, 74%. Diploma in Civil Engineering from S.T.B.T.E.T.,A.P. with First Cla..
서식 > 이력서 |
 축산물검역신청서 ( 1Pages )
No 194. 234 축산물검역신청서 (APPLICATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTS QUARANTINE) 국립수의과학검역원장 귀하 To Director of Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service 종류 (Type of products) 포장수량및포장형태 (Type and Number of packages) 중량 (Weight) 보내는사람성명및주소 (Name & Address of consignor) 받는사람성명및주소 (Name & Address of consignee) 탑재선 또는 항공기명 (Name o..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 품질보증계약서(Quality Assurance Agreement) ( 5Pages )
Quality Assurance Agreement This Agreement made and entered into effective as of the ( )th day of (), 2002 (Effective Date) by and between XYZ Corp.,a Japanese company, with its principal place of business at (___주소기재 要___) (XYZ) and ABC Company, Ltd.,a Korean company, with its principal place of business at 20, 주소기재 , Korea (ABC) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ABC de..
서식 > 계약서 |
 제3의길과 영국노동당에 대해 토론하시오 ( 2Pages )
제3의길과 영국노동당에 대해 토론하시오. 1997년에 영국 노동당이 총선에서 승리하여 집권을 하게 되고 토니 블레어(Tony Blair)수상이 취임하였다. 당시에 영국의 상황은 쉽지만은 않았는데, 적체된 실업인구의 증가로 1979년도와 비교하여 실업급여 신청자가 2배를 넘었고 경제적인 지원을 받는 편부모(lone parents)의 수도 70만 명 이상 증가하였다. 그리고 1년 이상 장기 실업급여 신청자가 50만 명..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
개념, 정의, 특징, 특성, 과제
 반송장치의 분기별 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
Apparatus For carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier, Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current, Line System, Apparatus, carrier, Current, Line, System, 반송, 장치, 반송장치, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998 1995년 1분기부터 2002년 3분기까지 분기별 반송장치의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Apparatus For carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier, Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current, Line System, Apparatus, carrier, Current, Line, System, 반송, 장치, 반송장치, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998
 LivingWillDeclarationof(FullLegalName) ( 1Pages )
Living Will Declaration of (Full Legal Name) Declaration made this ____ day of ___, 20 . I, (Declarant's Full Legal Name), being at least eighteen (18) years of age and of sound and disposing mind, willfully and voluntarily make known my desires that my dying shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set forth below. I further declare: . . 중략 ..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 수출환어음매입신청서 ( 1Pages )
수출환어음매입신청서입니다. TO THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF KOREA, LTD. DATE : YOUR ADVICE NO. L/C No. For Favour Opening Bank Gentleman: We hereby irrevocably transfer in part the above-mentioned credit to under the same terms and conditions of the credit with the following exceptions: ⑴The amount to be transferred: ... 생략
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
수출환, 어음, 매입, 신청서, 어음매입신청서
CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement (Agreement) is made this ___th day of ____ 2003, by and between Super Corp.,a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of ___ with its principal place of business at ___(Super) and Planning Inc, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of ___ with its principal place of business at ___(Planning). Now, THEREFORE, in c..
서식 > 계약서 |
 기본구매계약서(BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT) ( 16Pages )
BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of day of , 1992. BETWEEN : (1) ABC Co., Ltd a Japanese corporation, acting through its Construction Machinery Division, having its principal place of business at World Trade Center Building, 4-1, Hamamatsu-cho 2chomp, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan( hereinafter referred to as ABC ). (2) XYZ Co., Ltd a Korean corpora..
서식 > 계약서 |
 법인설립계약서(COOPERATION AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between C.S. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 1820 N. Lincoln 57, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called CS) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of K..
서식 > 계약서 |
 난민여행증명서(재)발급신청서 ( 1Pages )
〔별지 제126호의11서식〕 법무부 MINISTRY OF JUSTICE 난민여행증명서(재)발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE (REISSUANCE) OF REFUGEE TRAVEL DOCUMENT 성명 Name in Full 성별 Sex 남 Male 여 Female 국적 Nationality 생년월일 Date of Birth 한국내주소 Address in Korea 전화번호 ℡. 직업 Occupation 난민여행증명서번호 Refugee Travel Document No. ....
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 갑종근로소득에대한소득세원천징수증명서(원천징수의무자교부용)(영문서식) ( 1Pages )
[별지 제35호서식(2)](99. 5. 7 개정) 발급번호 Issuing Number 갑종근로소득에 대한 소득세원천징수증명서(원천징수의무자 교부용) Tax Clearance Certificate of Class A Wages Salaries (For Certificate issued by A withholding agent) 처리기간 Period for Handling 즉시 Immediately 납세자 Taxpayer ①성명 Name ②주민등록록번호 Resident Registration No. - ③주소또는거소 Adderss 징수 의무..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 반송장치의 월별 시장동향 ( 4Pages )
Apparatus For carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier, Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current, Line System, Apparatus, carrier, Current, Line, System, 반송, 장치, 반송장치, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998 1995년 1월부터 2002년 10월까지 월별 반송장치의 생산, 출하(내수, 수출) 재고 현황 및 전년대비 증감율 표와 그래프 표기
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
Apparatus For carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current Line System, Apparatus carrier, Current Line System, Apparatus carrier Current, Line System, Apparatus, carrier, Current, Line, System, 반송, 장치, 반송장치, 1995년, 1996년, 1997년, 1998
 가족의료와 가족치료 ( 22Pages )
가족의료와 가족치료 Family Practice and family therapy - 목차 - 1. The Domain of Family Practice: Scope, Role, and Function 가족 의료의 영역: 범위, 역할, 그리고 기능 ■ 서론 --- 3p ● 정의 : 가족 의사, 가족 의료(Family Practice), 가정 의학(Family Medicine) ■ 본론 --- 3p ● 가족 의료의 범위(scope) --- 3p ● 가족의사들의 역할 --- 4p ● 가족 의료의 영역(domain) --- 5p ● 가족 의료의..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
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