전체 (검색결과 약 19,697개 중 51페이지)

 벤츠,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 38Pages )
Mercedes-Benz CONTENTS Slogan The best or nothing Mercedes gives technology and safety like no other brand in the world Logo Three-pointed star The three-pointed star was supposed to symbolize Daimler’s ambition of universal motorization “on land, on water and in the air” One of the most popular trademark Symbolize the best safety, quality, comfort and fascinating st..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. ­ ­ Personal Deduction Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relationship Name Age Limit Resident(Foreign) Reg..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income ( 2Pages )
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name (Company Name) Tax Registration No. ­ ­ Personal Deduc tion Basic Deduction Additional (If applicable, mark “○”) Relationship Name Age Limit Resident (Foreign)..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 영문 고용계약서(EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Employment Agreement, between___(the Company) and ___ (the Employee). 1. For good consideration, the Company employees the Employee on the following terms and conditions. 2. Term of Employment. Subject to the provisions for termination set forth below this agreement will begin on ___, 21____, unless sooner terminated. 3. Salary. The Company s..
서식 > 계약서 |
 신용장양도신청서(총액) ( 1Pages )
신용장양도신청서(총액)입니다. TO THE ABC BANK OF KOREA, LTD. DATE : YOUR ADVICE NO. L/C No. Dated For the amount of Issued by In favour of For account of Gentleman: We hereby irrevocably transfer all of our right under the above-mentioned credit to The transferred (hereinafter called the "Second Beneficiary") shall have sole rights as beneficiar..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
신용장, 양도, 신청서, 양도신청서, 신용장양도
 안전한 식품보관법 ( 2Pages )
Most of the food that a gardener grows cannot all be eaten when it is harvested. Some of it can be used immediately. But, most of it will be kept for future use. Experts advise that care must be used to safely keep food. immediately[imíːdiitli]ad. 바로, 곧 (soon)-conj. =directly, as soon as~ (하자마자) 정원사가 기른 대부분의 식품은 수확되었을 때 모두 식용할 수 없다. 일부는..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
생활, 환경
 Zlateh the Goat, The Elders of Chelm & Genendel's Key, Why Noah Chose the Dove, Elijah the Slave, A Hanukkah Evening in My Parents' House, ... ( 7Pages )
Zlateh the Goat, The Elders of Chelm & Genendel's Key, Why Noah Chose the Dove, Elijah the Slave, A Hanukkah Evening in My Parents' House, The Cat Who Thought She Was a dog & the Dog Who Thought He Was a Cat 총 6권의 단편 스토리를 읽고 난 후의 독후감입니다. Once upon a time, God said to Noah there was going to be a flood so he should build an ark that would float and shel..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
독후감, 영어독후감
 항공사,저가항공사,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 33Pages )
JetBlue’s Crisis on Valentine s day JetBlue Case Analysis Contents Case Analysis 01. Company Description JetBlue Airways Company Description Part 1. One of American low-cost airlines in Queens, NY Hub airport : John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) / more than 60% of jetBlue planes use a day Unlike other low-cost airlines, Differentiated services such as wide and comfo..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [물리치료] THERABAND[쎄라밴드]에 관해 ( 16Pages )
BAND EXERCISE 장단점 History/ 종류 특징 자세 임상적용 Journal 소개 결론 BAND 그것이 알고 싶다 종 류 장 단 점 improving- strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. cost much less than other exercise equipment portable and versatile with virtually unlimited uses 장 점 물기에 약함- 묻었을 경 우, 베이비 파우더 태양에 약해 운동 후에 그늘에..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 ceo ( 14Pages )
1. CEO Hi My name is LEE HAN HO. I m in charge of CEO in our company. I m gonna talk about what is a flea market. Flea market is new concept of market. We planned our business for improvement of region s image and revitalization. Our business is quite different with other common market. It is made by participation of people. So it is a very important role to create cultural..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [재활트레이닝법] 밴드 트레이닝[BAND EXERCISE] ( 16Pages )
BAND EXERCISE 장단점 History/ 종류 특징 자세 임상적용 Journal 소개 결론 BAND 그것이 알고 싶다 종 류 장 단 점 improving- strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups. cost much less than other exercise equipment portable and versatile with virtually unlimited uses 장 점 물기에 약함- 묻었을 경 우, 베이비 파우더 태양에 약해 운동 후에 그늘에..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 영문 고용계약서3 ( 3Pages )
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Employment Agreement, between___(the Company) and ___ (the Employee). 1. For good consideration, the Company employees the Employee on the following terms and conditions. 2. Term of Employment. Subject to the provisions for termination set forth below this agreement will begin on ___, 21____, unless sooner terminated. 3. Salary. The Company s..
서식 > 계약서 |
 통신과 매체,위성 TV,디지털 TV,문자 메시지(SMS),그림 메시지(MMS,지상파 TV,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케팅,글로벌경영,사례분석,swot,stp,4p ( 66Pages )
Communications and Media 영연방의 사회와 문화 1. communications 1-1. Telecommunications 1-2. The Internet 1-3. Postal Services 2. Media 2-1. Television 2-2. Radio 3. The press 3-1. Newspapers I n d e x 1. Communications Communications 1. 해석 Communications and Media communications are moving into the digital age. Technology is changing the way people in the United Kingdom..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 정신질환의 유형과 치료방법 ( 5Pages )
정신질환의 유형과 치료방법 Ⅰ. 정신질환의 정의 사람의 사고·감정·행동 같은 것에 영향을 미치는 병적인 정신상태. Ⅱ. 정신질환의 유형 미국 정신 의학회에서 발간하는 DSM-IV에 따른 심리 장애의 유형으로 17가지로 구분되어 있다. DSM-IV란 정신장애의 진단 및 통계편람 으로 정신 의학과 임상 쪽에서는 필수적인 참고 서적이다. 여기에 나타난 장애들은 아래와 같이 요약된다. 1) 유아기, 소아기, ..
리포트 > 의/약학 |
 서적 출판업의 시장동향 ( 3Pages )
서적, 출판업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Publishing of Books, Brochures, Musical Books and Other Publications 1991년부터 2000년까지 연도별 서적 출판업의 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말..
비지니스 > 경제동향 |
서적, 출판업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Publishing of Books, Brochures, Musical Books and Other Publications
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