전체 (검색결과 약 4,507개 중 52페이지)

 애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문발표자료 ( 21Pages )
APPLE Contents 1. history 2. Overview 3. Industry trend 4. Profiling 5. Competitor analysis 6. Identifying Core competence 7. conclusion 1. Company History The Beginning (1976) The early years (1979 to 1983) Apple vs Microsoft : the struggle (1989 to 1994) A new beginning (from 1998 to nowadays) “Apple Computer Inc” April, 1976 in California by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 사후관리(A/S) 계약서 (영문) ( 4Pages )
사후관리(A/S) 계약서(영문)작성 서식입니다. AFTER‐SERVICE AGREEMENT (사후관리계약서) This Agreement made and entered into this ___ day of ___, 20__ by and between ABC Co., Ltd., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having its principal office of business at ___ Guroo‐Dong, Jin‐Gu, Seoul 150‐721, the Republic of Korea (hereinafte..
서식 > 계약서 |
사후관리, 계약서, A/S, 영문
 별지제65호의35서식 ( 1Pages )
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제65호의35서식] PCT 방식 심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL FEE(PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL FEE AND PROTEST FEE·A RESTRICTION OF CLAIM(S)) 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 【Identification of International Application】 【International Application No.】 【International Filing Date】 (【Priority ..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 옵션계약서1 ( 5Pages )
OPTION AGREEMENT This Agreement, made on the day of by and between ,a company organized and existing under the laws of ,and having its principal place of business at hereinafter called , and ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of hereinafter called WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, owns or controls valuable information and data of a confidential nature relating to the ..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 풀무원,풀무원마케팅,풀무원기업분석,풀무원마케팅전략,생수시장,생수마케팅(생수영문마케팅,영문마케팅,영문판) ( 34Pages )
PULMUONE WATERS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION YES. First, the drinking water market is growing. Second, the certainty of Pulmuone Waters’ profitability in the long run comes from its financial statements. INTRODUCTION SOURCE: The National Statistical Office, 2009 Food Statistics First, the drinking water market is growing. Sales revenue comparison Korean drink..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 부록 관형어구[1] ( 15Pages )
시험에 꼭 나오는 Idioms (관용적 표현들) 1) access to: ~에 접근하다 (2001년 3월) The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information. 2) according to: ~의하면 According to John they re not getting on very well at the moment. 3) account for (explain): 설명하다 Can you account for your absence last Friday 4) add to: ~..
시험/자격증 > 어학 |
 ChannelFiring ( 5Pages )
1.원문 Channel Firing That night your great guns, unawares, Shook all our coffins as we lay, And broke the chancel window-squares, We thought it was the Judgement-day And sat upright. While drearisome Arose the howl of wakened hounds: The mouse let fall the altar-crumb, The worms drew back into their mounds, The glebe-cow drooled. Till God called, No; It's gunnery practic..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 보이지않는손 ( 2Pages )
The Invisible Hand - Adam Smith > CHAPTER II : Of Restraints upon the Importation from Foreign Countries of such Goods as can be produced at Home Every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the s..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
경영, 경제
 기본구매계약서(BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT) ( 16Pages )
BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of day of , 1992. BETWEEN : (1) ABC Co., Ltd a Japanese corporation, acting through its Construction Machinery Division, having its principal place of business at World Trade Center Building, 4-1, Hamamatsu-cho 2chomp, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan( hereinafter referred to as ABC ). (2) XYZ Co., Ltd a Korean corpora..
서식 > 계약서 |
 Organizational Behavior ( 26Pages )
TAKEAWAYS 1 TAKEAWAYS 2.1 Job performance is the set of employee behaviors that contribute to organizational goal accomplishment. Job performance has three dimensions : task performance, citizenship behavior, and counterproductive behavior. TAKEAWAYS 2.2 Task performance includes employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources i..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Environmental Impact Assessment Technician Professional Education ( 12Pages )
1 Environmental Impact Assessment Technician Professional Education 2 The needs for private education Training Cases1 Training Cases2 Promote a new education plan Training plan activated Contents 3 1. The needs for education--- market growth PERS discuss the performance increase : about 2 times -2,307cases(2001) -4,885cases(2007) EIA discuss the performance increase : about 2..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT 본 사례는 한국의 XYZ사가 미국의 ABC사와 합작으로 한국내에서 신규 J/V를 설립하고자 하여 ABC가 작성한 초안으로서, 주로 XYZ사의 입장에서 검토한 것임. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of by and between ABC CO., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to asABC),a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of Delaware, USA having its p..
서식 > 계약서 |
 외식고객의상황에따른레스토랑업종및업태선택차이 ( 13Pages )
외식 고객의 상황에 따른 레스토랑 업종 및 업태 선택차이 Difference of the Guest's Selection for the Restaurant in Task Situation 이정실*1) Lee, Joung-Sil Abstract Situation study is being undertaken under the proposition that the discrepancies between purchasing willingness and purchasing result can be explained by the other factors than the individual characteristics. Thus..
리포트 > 사회과학 |
 표준근로 계약서(Standard Labor Contract) ( 3Pages )
(앞쪽) 표준근로계약서 Standard Labor Contract 아래 당사자는 다음과 같이 근로계약을 체결하고 이를 성실히 이행할 것을 약정한다. The following parties to the contract will agree to fully comply with the terms of the contract stated hereinafter: 사업주(갑) Employer 업체명 Name of the enterprise 전화 Phone number 소재지 Location of the enterprise 성명 Name of the employer ..
서식 > 계약서 |
APPLICATION FOR ADVICE OF TOTAL TRANSFER ━━━ 인 지 TO THE ABC BANK OF KOREA, LTD. DATE : YOUR ADVICE NO. L/C No. Dated For the amount of Issued by In favour of For account of Gentleman: We hereby irrevocably transfer all of our right under the above-mentioned credit to The transferred (hereinafter called the Second Beneficiary) shall have sole rights..
서식 > 회사서식 |
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