전체 (검색결과 약 1,255개 중 52페이지)

 스타벅스 ( 28Pages )
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONTENTS 1. Basic Information of STARBUCKS 2. HR Practices 3. Application to the Hospitality Industry 4. Conclusion Chapter 1. Basic Information of STARBUCKS International coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle. The first Starbucks was opened in 1971 by three partners. Employees : 128,898 (2009) Revenue : US$ 9.77 Billion (2009..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 ACA-항공사,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 16Pages )
Airline Competitor Analysis Strategic management Introduction Business Objective Current Strategy Belief about Industry Strength Weakness Alliance Membership Analysis 01 Strategic management Business Objective To provide highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit. Meeting the rising expectatio..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 서약서 ( 1Pages )
서약서 Letter of Oath 성명:(영어) (한자) Name: (English) (Chinese) 주거지: Address in Korea: 외국인등록번호 : Alien Registration No.: 상기자는 외국인근로자의고용등에관한법률부칙제2조의 불법체류 외국인근로자 특례 해당자로서 다음과 같이 서약합니다. I make the following oaths, as a subject of special exception as a foreign worker of illegal sojourn according to Article 2 of..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 차관계약서 ( 12Pages )
EURODOLLAR CREDIT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated as of between ()a corporation organized under the laws of the Republic of South Korea (hereinafter called Borrower). and ()a national banking association organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called Bank); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Borrower has requested that a branch of Bank located outside the Unit..
서식 > 계약서 |
 오페라의유령 ( 24Pages )
About Special Dream Remake in KOREA I. About II. Special III. Dream What is PHANTOM of the OPERA Specific Music of PHANTOM of the OPERA PHANTOM of the OPERA Remake in KOREA Contents About What is PHANTOM of the OPERA 오페라 (귀족문화) 노동자 계층의 문화욕구 증대 오페레타/뮤지컬 뮤지컬의 기원 Opera House - Designed by Charles Garnier Opera House Books 가스통 르루 - Writer Wha..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
 브랜드 이미지를 높이는 광고,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 17Pages )
Creative TV Commercial을 통해 바라본 기업들의 광고 전략- 브랜드 이미지를 높이는 광고 Question Find an example of an ad or campaign that you think reflects one of the approaches used to develop a major selling idea such as unique selling preposition, brand image, inherent drama, or positioning. Discuss how the major selling idea is reflected in this ad or campaign. Table of Co..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 상호라이센스계약서(Cross License Agreement) ( 14Pages )
Cross License Agreement 각자가 독자적으로 가지고 있는 공업소유권, 노하우, 기술정보등을 당사자간에 상호 공개 및 실시 허여함으로서, 처음부터 다시 시작하는 경우의 투자나 비용없이, 상대방이 소유하는 공업소유권등을 호혜적으로 이용하고자 할 경우에 사용되는 계약서 형태임.기술개발 및 생산부문에서의 제휴가 크게 중가하고 있음에 비추어 볼때, 이러한 Cross License계약의 용도 및 빈도는 크..
서식 > 계약서 |
 국제우편물반환및외부기재사항변경청구서 ( 2Pages )
국제우편물 반환 및 외부기재사항변경 청구서 Request CN 17 Country of origin 작성우정청 Date 일자 Notes 등기우편으로 발송할 것 To be sent by registered post For with- drawal from □ the post 반환 For alteration or correction □ of address 주소변경 For cancellation or alteration □ of the COD amount 대금교환금액 취소 또는 변경 Office of origin 작성우체국 Office of dest..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 아웃도어투데이,아웃도어마케팅,등산복마케팅,중소기업마케팅,벤처중소기업,벤처중소기업마케팅,중소기업성공마케팅,벤처기업마케팅,아웃도어시장 ( 27Pages )
OUTDOOR TODAY Selling Outdoor goods by 50% off Company Introducing Fact Based Analysis Marketing Strategy Financial Plan Contents Selling Outdoor goods by 50% off Company Introducing 회 사 소 개 사 업 개 념 비젼 최종목표 Company Introducing 회 사 소 개 사 업 개 념 비젼 최종목표 회사명 : 아웃도어 투데이 사업분야 : 아웃도어 브랜드 홍보 및 유통(Social Commerce) ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 이케아 IKEA 기업분석과 이케아 마케팅 (SWOT,STP,4P)전략분석과 이케아 CRM,글로벌마케팅전략분석및 이케아 문제점분석과 해결방안제안 PPT레포트 ( 32Pages )
INDEX 1. 이케아 기업소개 2. 이케아 마케팅전략 1) STP 전략분석 Segmentation Targeting Positioning 2) 마케팅 믹스 4P전략분석 Price Promotion Product Place 3) CRM전략 분석 4) International 마케팅전략 3. 이케아 문제점 및 해결방안제안 이케아 기업소개 스웨덴에서 설립된 세계적인 홈퍼니싱 기업 멋진 디자인과 다양한 기능을 갖춘 홈퍼니싱 제품들을 더 많은 사람들이 사용할 수 있도록 합..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Arthur Andersen in the Enron Case,에론,Enron ( 17Pages )
Arthur Andersen in theEnron Case Contents Introduction of Arthur Andersen Arthur Andersen in Enron Case Consequences of Enron Case Lessons from Enron Case Introduction of Arthur Andersen One of “Big Five” Accounting Firms Founded by Arthur Andersen, 1913 Supporter of Integrity of independent audits ↑Reputation for honesty, integrity, ethics Introduction of Arthur Ander..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 E-MART,이마트,E-MART기업분석,이마트기업분석,이마트전략 ( 48Pages )
E-MART Introduce What is the discount store It means a new retail business conditions that has about 3,000 square feet of retail space and sells always at a low price below a marked price on a price tag that a manufacturer directed, using a process of selling goods in large quantities by a thorough self-service. What is the background of introducing the discount store ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 상의의여유량에따른체온조절반응 ( 9Pages )
상의의 여유량에 따른 체온조절반응 연구 (Ⅱ) A Study on Thermoregulation by allowance of T-shirts(Ⅱ) 이소진*장지혜**하희정*** [목차] 1. 서론 2. 실험방법 2-1. 피험자 2-2. 실험 의복 2-3. 측정 항목 2-4. 실험 순서 2-5. 자료 처리 3. 실험결과 및 고찰 4.. 결론 참고문헌 1)2)3) [ Abstract ] The purpose of this study was to investigate two different kinds of T-shirts on ther..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 대한항공 광고전략분석및 제안(영문레포트) ( 6Pages )
Team Project Korean Airline Advertisement Campaign [일본에게 일본을 묻다] ◈ Chosen Advertisement Our chosen advertisement campaign is TV commercial, Internet banners and printed advertisements of Korean Airline. Our team has chosen this advertisement campaign because Korean Air s advertisement campaign actually has a series of advertising messages that are based on a single..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Heineken마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 12Pages )
Principles of Marketing [Team Project] 1. Why we choose Heineken A primary factor is Heineken s Wonderful, and Beautiful social marketing video that charmed our team members. No interest in football couldn t even know to me, imprinting positive corporate image as just achieved by video social marketing is not an exaggeration to say that I think. Because of fresh corporate i..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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