전체 (검색결과 약 2,450개 중 54페이지)

 szl-wl 리미트스위치 카다로그 ( 14Pages )
General Purpose Limit Switch SZL-WL series FEATURES Single Pole Double Throw,Double Break High mechanical strength and Rugged Aluminum die-cast housing Wide range of levers and actuators Standard mounting dimensions 10 Amp current capacity Long mechanical life Set position indicator for easy maintenance Oiltight, waterproof and dustproof construction UL,CSA,CE approved IP67..
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
szl-wl 리미트스위치 카다로그
 아이들 ( 63Pages )
Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe 1234 What is CEHAPE Water Sanitation Case #1 Romania Case #2 Armenia 5 Case #3 Bulgaria Armed conflict and Violence Poor environment conditions Poverty Disruption of Social Protection “CEHAPE has to stop them” Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health Start of CEHAPE Actors Historical background of CEHAP..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 기출총정리(X파일)[1] ( 141Pages )
<일본 기출문제> 1. There will be (A)(no fee) when a (B)(balance) is (C)(transferred) from one account to (D)(other). 2. It is uncertain what the future holds --- this dynamic young sportswear designer. (A) out (B) off (C) on (D) for 3. By next year it ---- necessary to double the production quota to keep up with market demand. (A) is (B) was (C) had been (D) will be 4. The..
리포트 > 기타 |
[별지 제 44호의2서식]<신설 94. 9. 10> (제28조의2) PSYCHIATRIC DISEASE PEPORT (병력신고서) 1) Have you received any treatment for schizophrenia affective disorder. severe personality disorder or the equivalent psychological problems Yes (있음) No (없음) (귀하는 정신분열증, 정통장애, 고도의 성격장애 및 이에 준하는 증세로 인하여 치료받 은 사실이 있습니까) beginning ..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 고용비밀계약서 ( 1Pages )
EMPLOYEE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT(영문고용비밀계약서) This Agreement made and entered into this ___ day of ___, 2000, by and between SAM Co., Ltd, a Korean corporation having its principal office at ___ Younggu, Seoul 1025, the Republic of Korea(hereinafter referred to as SAM), and ,a(an) ___ citizen, having Family I.D. Card No. ___ issued at ___ on date(hereinafter refer..
서식 > 계약서 |
 대한민국과네덜란드국간의이중과세방지협약적용대상거주자증명신청서 ( 2Pages )
210㎜×297㎜(신문용지 54g/㎡) 【별지 제1호 서식】 발급번호 Issuing Number 대한민국과 네덜란드국간의 이중과세방지협약 적용대상 거주자 증명신청서 Application for the certification of resident for the purpose of double taxation convention between the Republic of Korea and the Netherlands. 1. 소득자 Beneficiary ①주소 Address ②상호 Name of company ③성명 Name ④사업자등록..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 컨벤션마케팅,마케팅전략,브랜드마케팅,포지셔닝,시장분석,마케팅,시장세분화 ( 52Pages )
Convention Marketing컨벤션 시장 세분화, 목표시장과 포지셔닝 Market Segmentation and Targeting Positioning Strategy Thinking Questions Market Segmentation and Targeting 1. The STP Process It is necessary for a company to work out a market segmentation strategy, which is called STP(Segmenting-Targeting-Positioning) 1. The STP Process Market segmentation strategy Market seg..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 맥도날드,기업분석,경영전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 29Pages )
Mc Donald’s Wendy’s Financial Analysis Contents 1. 2. Firm Performance Measures 3. Summary Recommendations 4. Introduction Industry and Company Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Introduction and Industry Company Analysis Part 1. Introduction 1. Mc Donald s The biggest company in fast food industry 2. Wendy’s In 2008, Wendy’s is merged with Triarc. -] The third larges..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 한중간 매매계약서(Sales Contract) ( 13Pages )
Sales Contract (한중간) PREFACE Since the normalization of diplomatic relations between neighbors Korea and China in 1992, the trade relations have developed in a desired direction and the volume of trade has increased rapidly. In order to promote and facilitate the development of bilateral trade, the Korea-China Trade Contract Terms Study Committee and the China For..
서식 > 계약서 |
 해양보험 ( 42Pages )
Marine Insurance Marine Insurance The Nature of Marine Insurance In a contract of marine insurance the insurer undertakes, in consideration of a premium, to indemnify the assured against loss occasioned by perils incident to a marine adventure. Marine Insurance The Nature of Marine Insurance INSURER INSURED Pay premium Indemnify against loss The complex circumstances invo..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 RECEIPT ( 1Pages )
RECEIPT (SPECIAL LECTURE, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAM) To President of Korea University: NAME TITLE Professor AFFILIATION CONTENTS OF SPECIAL LECTURE (ADVISE) CONSULTATION FEE Won This is to certify that I have received the above mentioned amount for the special lecture I gave to the ○○○○ in Biomedical Sciences Task Force of Korea University the st day of at Kor..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 주요방산물자수출업신고서 ( 1Pages )
[별지 제13호의 2서식] 주요방산물자수출업신고서 (Notification of Export Business for Major Defense Item) 처리기간 (Handling time) 15일(15Days) 상호 (Name of Firm) 전화번호 (Phone No.) 팩스번호 (FAX No.) 대표자 (Representative) 성명 (Name) 주민등록번호 (Passport No.) 주소 (Korean Address) 방위산업에관한특별조치법 제21조제2항 및 동법 시행령제40조제5항의 규정에 의하여 위와 ..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 Developing Transnational Organization,Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility ( 31Pages )
Developing Transnational Organization Managing Integration, Responsiveness, and Flexibility Beyond Structural Fit MNE tried to find which “Formal Structure” provided the right “Fit” in various conditions Management Process in an MNE Choice of a basic Organizational Structure Stopford Wells’s International Structural Stages Model Stopford Wells’s International Structural ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 애플마케팅전략,애플기업분석,애플전략방안,Apple마케팅전략,Apple분석 ( 25Pages )
Apple 1. Why Apple 1.1 Reasons for choosing Apple 2. Brand and Marketing Analysis on Apple Up to the present 2.1 Apple’s history: Steve Jobs 2.2 Apple’s past strategy on its brand Strategies 2.3 Successful strategies 2.4 Competitive edges Apple’s Marketing Mix: STP, 4P and SWOT 2.5 SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat 2.6 STP: Segmentation, Targeting, Position..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 일반사무직7 ( 1Pages )
PIL-SEUNG OH 906, ** Apts. #115, Gaepo 1-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 02-123-4567/ 010-1234-5678 QUALIFICATION SUMMARY -A friendly, competent and hardworking employee - Good relationships with co-workers ▒ WORK EXPERIENCE--- PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT / KEY PROJECT & ACCOMPLISHMENTS New State Capital August 1996-April 2004 Section Chief in General Affairs Designi..
서식 > 이력서 |
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