전체 (검색결과 약 6,390개 중 54페이지)

COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH AGREEMENT (CRA) between NATIONAL HIGH MAGNETIC FIELD LABORATORY (NHMFL) and Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) at FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY in the U.S.A. and CENTER FOR APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY TECHNOLOGY (CAST) in the REPUBIC OF KOREA December 10, 2001 Collaborative Research Agreement (hereinafter referred to as CRA) co..
서식 > 계약서 |
 Management information system,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 30Pages )
Management information system 1.Mobile Computing and Mobile commerce mobile computing /Mobile commerce Mobile commerce application - 종류 - location-based applications and services. -financial services Intrabusiness applications Accessing information Telemetry applications 2. Pervasive Computing pervasive computing -] RFID wireless sensor network. 1.Mobile Computing and M..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Theflea-JohnDonne ( 3Pages )
The Flea (벼룩) Mark but this flea, and mark in this, :단지 이 벼룩을 보십시오, 이 벼룩안을 보십시오. 여기서 but은 just의 의미로 쓰였음. this 는 앞의 벼룩을 의미함. mark = look at. How little that which thou deny'st me is; :당신이 저를 부정하는 것이 얼마나 하찮나요 thou(thou-thy-thee)는 you의 고어체적의미임. deny'st = deny It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee, :그것은 우선..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 프랜차이즈 계약서(영문) ( 10Pages )
프랜차이즈 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. Franchise Agreement 프랜차이즈 계약은 Distributorship계약과 비슷한 측면이 있긴 하나 본질적으로 다르다. 이들의 차이점을 들어 본다면 다음과 같다. 프랜차이즈 계약은 기본적으로,① 상표, 서비스마크 등으로 대표되는 비지니스체계를 기초로 함. ② Franchisee는 franchiser의 brand 및 goodwill을 이용하여 당해 사업의 운영을 영위하되, brand등의 사..
서식 > 계약서 |
프렌차이즈, 계약서, 영문, 프랜차이즈
 SM_엔터테이먼트,소녀시대,아이돌,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케팅,글로벌경영,사례분석,swot,stp,4p ( 23Pages )
International Business SM Entertainment Contents Introduction Domestic Global Entertainment Industry The Success Case of international business in Japan Country and Site Evaluation Entry mode Localization How to succeed in U.S. market Conclusion Introduction According to Nikei Business magazine… “There is a common thing between Korean conglomerates (Samsung electronic and..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 TheThing ( 2Pages )
1.원문 The Thing Each time it rings I think it is for me but it is not for me nor for anyone it merely rings and we serve it bitterly together, they and I (William Carlos Williams) 2.해석 그것 그게 울릴 때마다 난 생각한다 그게 날 향한 걸까 하고 허나 그건 날 향한 것도 어느 누굴 향한 것도 아니다 그저 울릴 뿐이다 헌데 우린 씁쓸하게 복종한다 그들과 나 다 함께 ....
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 P G ,SK-II,bbq,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케팅,글로벌경영,사례분석,swot,stp,4p ( 22Pages )
Strategic Management Case Study P G Japan, SK-II Contents Case Summary (P G Japan) -Introduction of P G -Failure and Success -Globalization and Suggestion Korean Case : BBQ -Introduction of BBQ -Strategy in globalization -Recommendation Q A About P G P G’s Global Strategy Overseas Division(1984) drove rapid expansion Europe, Latin America and Asia’s 27 countries: $1..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 전자기 유도를 이용한 멈추지 않는 팽이 ( 14Pages )
전력기기실험 전자기 유도를 이용한 멈추지 않는 팽이 Contents 설계목표 13 Block Diagram and 관련이론 245 팽이의 회전 원리 회로도 and 회로 전체 동작 원리 작품 사진 6 Trouble Shooting 7 설계일정 and 역할 분담 1. 설계목표 전자기 유도의 원리를 이용하여 전자석을 만든 후 이를 이용하여 멈추지 않고 계속 돌아가는 팽이를 구현하며 동시에 모터를 동작 시킨다. 목표 2.Block Diagram 발전기 팽..
리포트 > 공학/기술 |
 체세포분열과 감수분열[영어로] ( 7Pages )
Mitosis and Meiosis 1. Introduction-cell division 2. Types of cell division 3. Mitosis 4. Meiosis 5. Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis 6. Conclusions 1. Introduction-cell division Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Cell arise only from preexisting cells. Cell division plays several important roles in the live..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 Tumblbug Kickstarter ( 34Pages )
Crowd funding service Tumblbug Kickstarter Contents INDEX Summary of previous analysis What is Crowd funding Crowd funding Mid-level service between donation and investment Service for Connecting Investors + Needy Artists Motivation for selecting SNS, Social media era -]Social funding service Korean Social funding company Tumblbug has opened its business in March 2..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 매매계약서(sales agreement) ( 12Pages )
SALES AGREEMENT This Agreement(Agreement)is made this [1st] day of [March, 1997] by and between [ABC Corp.], with its registered office at [140, West 51st Street, New York, N.Y.,U.S.A.] (Buyer) and [HAN KOOK Co., Ltd.], with its registered office at [159, Samsung-dong, kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea](Seller): WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to purchase from t..
서식 > 계약서 |
 프랜차이즈 서래 갈매기 기업분석및 마케팅전략(영문레포트) ( 15Pages )
목차 1. 서래 기업소개 1) 서래 선정이유 2) 연혁 3) 서래 본사위치 4) 주고객층 5) 기타사항 2. 마케팅 전략 3. 결론 1. Introduction There is a yellow bus in front of Hoegi station. There are some benches in front of that bus, and every evening these places are fully crowded by people. They are waiting to have a meal at Seorae Kalmaegi (we ll call here as Seorae from now on). ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 법인설립계약서 ( 2Pages )
COOPERATION AGREEMENT(영문법인설립계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between 000. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the State 설립주법, with principal office at 1820 N. Lincoln 57, Orange, California 92665(hereinafter called SAM) and ABC CO., Ltd.,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws..
서식 > 계약서 |
 LIVINGWILL ( 1Pages )
LIVING WILL I, ___, of ___, being of sound mind, do hereby willfully and voluntarily make known my desire that my life not be prolonged under any of the following conditions, and do hereby further declare: 1. If I should, at any time, have an incurable condition caused by any disease or illness, or by any accident or injury, and be determined by any two or more physicia..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 어린왕자[영어 독후감] ( 1Pages )
The Little Prince The little prince goes around many planets and then finally he arrives at the Earth where a pilot lives in. The little prince receives a sheep picture from the pilot and then he says what he has experieced in other planets. The little prince goes back his planet of asteroid known as B-612 after all. What I was impressed was that the flower and the little p..
리포트 > 독후감/서평 |
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