전체 (검색결과 약 16,683개 중 54페이지)

 OEM계약서(OEM AGREEMENT) ( 9Pages )
OEM AGREEMENT OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)계약이란 주문자 또는Buyer가 자기의 상표를 붙일 목적으로 특정 물품을 상표없이 구매하는 형태로서, 통상적으로 제작자 또는 Seller에게 특정물품의 제작을 위한 기술적 사양, 기술적 지원 등을 주문자 등이 제공하는 방식의 계약임.본 사례는 Seller의 입장에서 작성된 것이므로, 해외의 값싼 노동력을 활용키 위하여 해외 OEM을 추진중인 OEM 발주..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문 정관 ( 11Pages )
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1. Company Name The name of the Company is, in Korean, OOO Chusik Hoesaand in English, OOO Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as theCompany ) Article 2. Objective The objective of the Company Is to engage in the following business activities. (1) to manufacture, import, sell and conduct offer ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문 정관 ( 11Pages )
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1. Company Name The name of the Company is, in Korean, OOO Chusik Hoesaand in English, OOO Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as theCompany ) Article 2. Objective The objective of the Company Is to engage in the following business activities. (1) to manufacture, import, sell and conduct offer ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 비밀계약서(SECRECY AGREEMENT) ( 3Pages )
SECRECY AGREEMENT THIS Agreement, entered into this day of , 20 by and having its between having its registered office at (hereinafter called ABC ) at having its office at (hereinafter called the Recipient) WITNESSETH: Whereas the Recipient has been fully informed of and satisfied itself as to the confidential nature of the proprietary Information(as hereinafter defi..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영미 분석철학 및 과학철학 개요(영문) ( 5Pages )
영미 분석철학 및 과학철학 개요(영문) 1 English analytic philosophy and the Vienna Circle At the turn of the century GE Moore and Bertrand Russell were engaged in a rebellion against the dominant philosophy of the late British Empire. As young men they were influenced by an English Hegelianism that identified the Empire with the progression of reason first characterised by H..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 ABC원가시스템,ABC원가시스템사례,관리회계시스템 ( 20Pages )
Time-Driven Activity Based Costing Activity Based Management Helpful for management decision Find out which segments are profitable Customer and product profitability Feasibility in Benchmarking Capital budgeting Advantages of ABC Cost of implementing and maintenance Time consuming Internal resistance Doesn’t provide timeliness information Confusion among ABC and Trad..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 대학원 이산수학 영문 레포트 ( 7Pages )
대학원 과정 이산수학 영문 레포트(리써치 베이스)입니다. 1 Introduction Recurrence equations 2 Second order linear recurrence equations 2.1 General solution - introduction 2.2 Generating Functions 2.2.1 Homogeneous equation 2.2.2 Non-homogeneous solutions 2.3.1 homogeneous solution 2.3.2 particular solution 2.3.3 Solution to the full problem 3 Conclusion In this project, solu..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
영문이산수학, 이산수학레포트, 대학이산수학, 대학원이산수학, Discrete Mathematics, 영문이산수학레포트
 무선인터넷 포탈 구축 실무 제안 ( 45Pages )
무선인터넷 포탈 구축을 위한 개요와 필요한 사항등을 기술한 제안서입니다. Contents 기획 What I need to know? Where to start? 기반 기술/환경 Baseline of wireless internet infrastructure What is XML and why? 개별 서비스 관련 기술 What is “Killer App.” in wireless internet and what I need to service that? Push, LBS, ... Portal 운영 관련 기술 Cache, 인증, session, billing..
비지니스 > 제안서 |
 무기질 ( 18Pages )
무기질 Mineral 무기질 무기질 (mineral) 식품을 태우고 남은 재 (회분, ash) 금속원소 (다량, 미량, 극 미량 원소) 몸을 구성하는 원소 (0.01% 이하) 생명체의 생명유지(생리적 작용/근육수축) 단백질(효소), 비타민과 결합 -] cofactor 출처: 채소류, 과실류, Green foods MINERALS Minerals are required in small amounts. Different minerals have different functions in the body. M..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 영문 이력서(IT관련업체) ( 3Pages )
C.Dayamayi Career Summary: Around 2.1 years of IT experience in development, Training and testing of application software using C, C++, VC++(5.0/6.0) MFC/ATL, COM/DCOM, Oracle and design tools like MSVisualModeler in the areas of database, internet/intranet applications. Also Involved in training for DataStructures, C, C++ etc. Educational Qualification: B.Tech in ..
서식 > 이력서 |
 영문이력서2_개인 ( 2Pages )
Kil-Dong Hong 9-3, Woosin Bldg. 4F, Galwol-Dong, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul Phone: (02) 712-5000 E-mail: hong@kbsjob.co.kr JOB OBJECTIVE Senior accountant for a growing multinational firm SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Excellent mathematical aptitude with strong attention to detail. Outstanding analytical and interpretation skills. Strong planning/organizing and problem identification..
서식 > 이력서 |
 oem계약서(영문) ( 7Pages )
무역 oem계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. OEM AGREEMENT OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)계약이란 주문자 또는Buyer가 자기의 상표를 붙일 목적으로 특정 물품을 상표없이 구매하는 형태로서, 통상적으로 제작자 또는 Seller에게 특정물품의 제작을 위한 기술적 사양, 기술적 지원 등을 주문자 등이 제공하는 방식의 계약임.본 사례는 Seller의 입장에서 작성된 것이므로, 해외의 값싼 노동력을 ..
서식 > 계약서 |
OEM, 계약서, 영문
 인간관계론 ( 25Pages )
Warmth Discuss the benefits of warmth in communication with clients and colleagues Identify behaviors that demonstrate warmth Review a tool to analyze warmth in interpersonal communications Describe a variety of ways in which warmth is displayed and articulate the importance of warmth in human interactions Become aware of opportunities to embellish your life with warmth in da..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 Starbucks Coffee Company2 ( 17Pages )
Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks started manufacturing it in 1971 in the USA. Starbucks Coffee Company Originally, we were a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffe, tea and spices with a single store in seattle s pick place market. At that time, we didn t manage the coffee shop, we just sold the raw materials of coffee. But now, we are ..
비지니스 > 사례분석 |
 Customsinvoice ( 1Pages )
Revenue Canada Revenu Canada CANADA CUSTOMS INVOICE Customs and Excise Douanes et Accise FACTURE DES DOUANES CANADIENNES Page of de 1. Vendor (Name and Address) / Vendeur (Nom et adresse) 2. Date of Direct Shipment to Canada / Date d axpedition directe vers le Canada 3. Other References (include Purchaser s Order No.) Autres references (Inclure ie no de commande de I..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
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