전체 (검색결과 약 24,182개 중 57페이지)

 [학습 지도안] 6)영어-6. Can I have some water - Students will be able to understand expressions about asking and answering their needs. ( 8Pages )
6)영어-6. Can I have some water - Students will be able to understand expressions about asking and answering their needs. 결재 지도교사 협력교사 영어과 교수-학습 과정안 초등학교 6학년 지도교사: Date Teacher Unit 6. Can I have some water Pages of text/ Period p.72~73/ (3/6) Group Organization Whole·Pair·Group learning 수업 모형 의사소통 중심 수업 모형 (CLT) Objective Stu..
리포트 > 교육학 |
 Scars ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Scars They tell how it was, and how time came along, and how it happened again and again. They tell the slant life takes when it turns and slashes your face as a friend. Any wound is real. In church a woman lets the sun find her cheek, and we see the lesson: there are years in that book; there are sorrows a choir can't reach when they sing. Rows of children lift th..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 YG엔터테이먼트-경영분석,SWOT ( 16Pages )
YG ENTERTAINMENT CONTENTS 주제 선정 동기 문화 컨텐츠 시장현황 엔터테인먼트 시장 현황 - 산업구조분석 4. YG Entertainment 분석 - VRIO 분석 - 핵심역량 도출 5. 전략 6. 결론 1. 주제선정 동기 무한한 성장이 기대되는 엔터테인먼트 산업 분야에서 성장하고 있는 국내시장을 차지하고 후에 글로벌 시장에서의 선점 효과 위해 국내 1위를 점하고자 선정 2. 문화콘텐츠 시장 현황 콘텐츠 중..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [영문판]SK기업분석,SK마케팅전략,SK경영전략 ( 26Pages )
Strategy for Index Industry Overview Sources: Korea Communications Commission, Company Websites, 2011. 10 SKT presentation 03 Recent Issues 04 SKT’s Strategy 01 Industry Analysis 02 Company Analysis 05 Conclusion Industry Overview Telecommunications Industry Wireless Communication Wired Communication Saturated subscription rate (104% of population) leaves the market with di..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영문 신용장 ( 1Pages )
March , 2001 VIA EXPRESS DELIVERY/EMAIL support@domaindiscover.com === Dear sir. NAME :... EMail :... ADDRESS :... TEL :... Agreement : Yes (Yes means the proof that I signed this petition.) I agree to these requests and hope Domaindiscover to be an independent registrar which respects for customer's rights and benefits. A (written) petition === Domaindiscover(ICANN accr..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 TheWayItIs ( 2Pages )
1.원문 The Way It Is There's a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn't change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can't get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time's unfolding. You ..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 안전한 식품보관법 ( 2Pages )
Most of the food that a gardener grows cannot all be eaten when it is harvested. Some of it can be used immediately. But, most of it will be kept for future use. Experts advise that care must be used to safely keep food. immediately[imíːdiitli]ad. 바로, 곧 (soon)-conj. =directly, as soon as~ (하자마자) 정원사가 기른 대부분의 식품은 수확되었을 때 모두 식용할 수 없다. 일부는..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
생활, 환경
 가격및추가견본요청서신 ( 1Pages )
가격 및 추가견본 요청서신 Han Heung Moolsan Co., Ltd. Gentofte 15.6.1999, BookChang-dong, Choong-ku Seoul, Korea Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for the 3 samples concerning your invoice of 25.5. 1999 but we miss the prices and color cuts. If your prices are competitive we can sell a lot of your goods. The samples you sent us is in the right line, and we ask you ..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 영문이력서(IT관련-보안관련업무) ( 2Pages )
K.Srinivas Skill sets: Ms - Dos, Windows, Windows NT, Unix. C, C++, MFC, VB 6.0, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, Ms Office. FoxPro 2.6, Oracle, Sybase. Spread 5, Crystal Reports. Area of Responsibility: Development and Implementation. Creation and Designing. Quality Assurance. In Brief: More than three years experience in the area of developing. Ability to absorb new ..
서식 > 이력서 |
 Politics ( 2Pages )
1.원문 Politics William Butler Yeats 'In our time the destiny of man presents its meanings in political terms.' -Thomas Mann How can I, that girl standing there, My attention fix On Roman or on Russian Or on Spanish politics Yet here's a travelled man that knows What he talks about, And there's a politician That has both read and thought, And maybe what they say is true..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 아모레퍼시픽,아모레퍼시픽해외진출,아모레퍼시픽인도진추런략,해외마케팅전략,해외진출,아모레퍼시픽마케팅,영문마케팅 ( 11Pages )
AMORE PACIFIC [Report to enter into India Cosmetics Market] Ⅰ. AMORE PACIFIC s business environment 1. Overview (1) History : For more than 60 years, AMOREPACIFIC has been devoted to the business of Beauty and Health, consistently striving to be the best with focus on technology, quality and customers. AMOREPACIFIC has maintained its position as Korea s leader in the field..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 March,2001 ( 2Pages )
March , 2001 VIA EXPRESS DELIVERY/EMAIL support@domaindiscover.com === Dear sir. NAME :... E-Mail :... ADDRESS :... TEL :... Agreement : Yes (Yes means the proof that I signed this petition.) I agree to these requests and hope Domaindiscover to be an independent registrar which respects for customer's rights and benefits. A (written) petition === Domaindi..
서식 > 생활서식 |
 ebay,ebay분석,ebay전략,이베이마케팅전략,이베이분석,이베이기업분석 ( 21Pages )
Case study : Can eBay Continue Growing Case study : eBay Introduction to eBay Features of eBay eBay vs auction Case study questions Outline Case study : eBay Introduction to eBay “eBay는 어떠한 기업인가” 세계 최대의 온라인 중고품 매매 사이트 96년부터 지속적인 흑자를 내고 있는 닷컴기업 The World’s online marketplace. (from eBay site) Case study : eBay Introduction to eBay His..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 [생산관리] 생산관리의 원칙과 기능 ( 8Pages )
[생산관리] 생산관리의 원칙과 기능 목차 생산관리의 원칙과 기능 Ⅰ. 생산관리의 합리화원칙 1. 표준화 2. 단순화 3. 전문화 Ⅱ. 생산관리의 기능 1. 생산계획, 집행 및 통제기능 2. 공장의 규모 및 입지선정기능 3. 설비선택과 대체기능 4. 설비배치 및 구조유지기능 5. 설비보전기능 6. 작업방법과 표준설정기능 7. 품질관리 및 검사기능 8. 재고관리의 기능 9. 전사적 자원관리의 기능 10. 적기 ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
개념 정의설명, 특성 특징 중요성, 문제점 해결방안, 영향요인 실태분석, 비교분석 견해, 개선과제 개념이해, 연구방법 사례
 IFRS 도입이 보험산업에 미치는 영향,IFRS,IFRS도입사례,IFRS와보험산업,보험산업 ( 23Pages )
IFRS 도입이 보험산업에 미치는 영향 Ⅰ.Introduction of Insurance Industry ○ Property insurance/life insurance – insurance largely can be divided into property insurance and life insurance. To explain briefly, property insurance is a system which compensates damages caused by possession of property, usages and management. Life insurance is a system which allocates insurance pa..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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