전체 (검색결과 약 7,875개 중 64페이지)

 평생교육사자격증영문서식 ( 1Pages )
< 평생교육사 자격증 영문 서식> () UNIVERSITY Address : Phone : Fax : ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATOR CERTIFICATE Serial No. of Certificate : (발급번호) Issue Date : (발급 연월일) Name : Personal ID Number : Qualification Grade : Adult And Continuing Educator () Grade This is to certify that the above-mentioned person has fulfilled all the requirements of the Adult And Cont..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 경찰신원사및신상조사신청 ( 2Pages )
Case No. Visa Cat. REQUEST FOR NATIONAL POLICE CERTIFICATE REQUEST FOR BIOGRAPHIC FILE CHECK 경찰 신원 조사 및 신상 조사 신청 이 신청서의 모든 내용은 타자기를 이용 영문으로 작성하되, 수기시에는 검정색 팬으로 정자체로 써 주십시오. Full Name: 성명 Chinese Characters: 성명을 한문으로 Other Names Used: 다른 성명 Place of Birth: 출생지 National ID No: 주민 등록..
서식 > 법률서식 |
 FIXTURE NOTE ( 1Pages )
FIXTURE NOTE 1. Name of Vessel. 2. Gross Tonnage. 3. Dead Weight Tonnage. 4. Loading Port. 5. Discharging Port. 6. Cargo and Quantity. 7. Freight Rate. 8. Payment of Freight. 9. Laydays loading discharging 10. Demurrage. 11. Despatch Money. 12. Stevedorage loading discharging 13. Shipper. 14. Consignee. 15. Agent loading discharging 16. Estimated Ti..
서식 > 계약서 |
CASH RECEIPT VOUCHER 작성 서식입니다. < 세부 내역 > 1. Name of Account 2. Posted 3. Debit 4. Credit 5. Explanation 6. Prepared by 7. Approved by 등 포함
서식 > 회사서식 |
 Administrator ( 1Pages )
To : Administrator Supply Administration. The Republic of Korea Memorandum of Payment Inv. No : Commodity : Date of Bid : We, the undersigned, hereby guarantee that if awarded a contract we will perform faithfully the requirements of the contract. Should we refuse to conclude the contract or should we fail to establish a performance bond in accordance with the con..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 플랜트공급계약서(PLANT SUPPLY AGREEMENT) ( 15Pages )
PLANT SUPPLY AGREEMENT This plant Supply Agreement(the Agreement) is made and entered into this day of by and between ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of having its registered office at (purchaser) and ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea having its registered office at (Supplier) WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, Supp..
서식 > 계약서 |
 플랜트수출 공급계약서 ( 12Pages )
SUPPLY AGREEMENT This Supply Agreement (the Agreement) is made and entered into this day by and between ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of having its registered office at (“Purchaser”) and ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea having its registered office at (“Supplier”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Supplier possesses..
서식 > 계약서 |
 마케팅_완성 ( 24Pages )
FRIENDLY of lunch 친친 도시락 FOL 친친 contens 1. 친친 도시락 소개 - 브랜드소개 - 브랜드 선정이유 - 기업사명 - 기업목표 2. 전략적 시장계획 - 마케팅 차별화 전략 - 제품 전략 - 서비스 전략 - 4P 3. 상황 분석 - 경쟁사 분석 - 소비자 분석 - 자사분석 SWOT분석 4. STP전략 - 시장세분화(segmenting) - 표적시장 선정(targeting) - 포지셔닝(positioning) 5. 촉진 - PR - 촉진촉진..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 영시 Little Jack Horner 에 대한 해석 ( 1Pages )
영시 Little Jack Horner 에 대한 해석 I. Little Jack Horner 1. Paraphrasing: Little Jack Horner Sat in a corner. He was eating a Christmas pie. He pushed his thumb into the pie, And pulled a plum out of the pie, And said, What a good boy am I! <꼬마 잭 호너> 꼬마 잭 호너가 구석에 앉아서 크리스마스 파이를 먹고있다. 그 아이는 엄지를 풀 찔러넣어 건포도를 빼내곤 말했다, 나 얼마..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 영문 상호라이센스계약서(Cross License Agreement) ( 10Pages )
Cross License Agreement(영문-상호라이센스계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the ___ day of ,___,___ by and between ___,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of ___, with principal l offices at: ___ (hereinafter called ABC) and ___,a corporation constituted in a accordance with the laws of ___, with principal offices at:___ (hereinafter called SAM), in..
서식 > 계약서 |
 NewsItem ( 3Pages )
1.원문 News Item Let us salute the enterprise of the man who recently made a model pterodactyl, very lifelike with a little motor so that it could fly. It cost 700,000 dollars. It must have been a tough decision considering the other things he could have got for 700,000 dollars. Think of the guts needed not to give it to cancer research or starving children. But the thi..
리포트 > 기타 |
리포트, 레포트
 영어숙어정리1 ( 135Pages )
반드시 짚고 넘어가야 할 영어숙어Ⅰ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z 찾아가기 A 처음으로 해설부분으로 ☜ A number of ~; ☜ Abide by ~; ☜ Abide with ~ : ☜ According as ~; ☜ According to ~ ☜ Act on (or upon) ~; ☜ Act out ~ ☜ Admit of ~ ☜ Admit ~into ~; ☜ Again and again; ☜ Agree to~; ☜ Agree with~ ☜ All at once; ☜ A..
초중고 생활/교육 > 핵심요약노트 |
 외항선입출항신고서 ( 2Pages )
[47-I-32 외항선입출항신고] 〔별지 제2호서식〕 (앞쪽) 313 □입항 □출항 처리기간 즉시 외항선 신고서 제출번호 □□-□□□□-□□□ (Declaration of Arrival or Departure) 1.선박의 명칭 Name of Ship 2.선박의 종류 Kind of Ship □□ 3.입/출항일시 Date-time of arrival/departure □□□□년□□월□□일□□시□□분 4.선박의 국적 Nationality of Ship □ 5.출항지 / 목적지 Last Port/ Destination □□-□..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문이력서 ( 1Pages )
Resume Name in full : Kildong Hong Date of Birth : May 15, 1970 Sex : Male Age : 28 Family Relation : The first son of Kildong Kim Permanent Address : 11, Woosin Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, NamMunGu, Seoull Present Address : 11, Woosin Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, NamMunGu, Seoull Telephone : 111 Educational Background February, 2000 : Graduated from Biz High School, Seoul ..
서식 > 이력서 |
 BENETTON,베네통,베네통분석,베네통전략,BENETTON분석,BENETTON전략 ( 13Pages )
BENETTON CASE STUDY REPORT Contents Introduction Introduction of Benetton Group 1.1.1. Group Overview - Business 1.1.2. Group Overview - History 1.1.3. Brands Point Conclusion References Introduction Introduction of Benetton Group 1.1.1. Group Overview - Business Today, the Benetton Group is present in 120 countries around the world. Its core business is fashion..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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