전체 (검색결과 약 16,683개 중 64페이지)

 [발표과제]창조론과진화론 영문 Creationism vs. Evolutionism ( 21Pages )
Creationism vs. Evolutionism Questions of Origins Are we as Time magazine says, “an accident evolved from slimy algae” or as Discover magazine says, “pond scum” or are we as Genesis says, a unique creation of God How you answer this question will determine everything else in life! Explanation of Evolution… What do we mean when we use the term Evolution A gradual process in wh..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
 영업, 마케팅, 홍보1 ( 2Pages )
SUNG-IL KIM Ra-202, ** Apts. 123-45, Bangeo-dong, Dong-gu, Ulsan 052-123-4567/ 010-1234-5678 QUALIFICATION SUMMARY - Long experience in the stated fields - Great team builder motivating others toward success. ▒ WORK EXPERIENCE--- PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT / KEY PROJECT & ACCOMPLISHMENTS ETNC October 2002-Present Planning Marketing Team Manager Took charge of ERP marketing..
서식 > 이력서 |
 무역_계약서13 ( 2Pages )
독점판맨계약(Exclusive Sales Contract) 영문판입니다. Exclusive Sales Contract An exclusive sales contract has been entered into June 25, 20 between the Korea Exporting Co.,C.P.O. Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the American Importing Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions. 1..
서식 > 계약서 |
quote, marine insurance, claims
 영시 Anecdote of the Jar ( 3Pages )
영시 Anecdote of the Jar - Wallace Stevens  1. 시 원문 Anecdote of the Jar - William Henry I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion everywhere. ..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 설날에 대한 영작 소개문 ( 1Pages )
설날에 대한 영작 소개문 There are two New Year's Day in Korea One in the very first of the year and the other by the lunar calendar. Let me introduce you a few things about The Lunar New Year’s Day. The Lunar New Year’s Day is the best national holiday in Korea. On that day we get one year older. The Lunar New Year’s Day is January 1st of the lunar calendar and this year tha..
초중고 생활/교육 > 과제물 |
 szl-wl 리미트스위치 카다로그 ( 14Pages )
General Purpose Limit Switch SZL-WL series FEATURES Single Pole Double Throw,Double Break High mechanical strength and Rugged Aluminum die-cast housing Wide range of levers and actuators Standard mounting dimensions 10 Amp current capacity Long mechanical life Set position indicator for easy maintenance Oiltight, waterproof and dustproof construction UL,CSA,CE approved IP67..
정보/기술 > 토목/건축 |
szl-wl 리미트스위치 카다로그
 House of Quality ( 12Pages )
House of quality What’s so hard about Design Before the industrial revolution, producers were close to their customers. Marketing, engineering, and manufacturing were integrated in the same individual. Marketing people have their domain, engineers their. Customer surveys will find their way onto designers’ desks, and R D plans reach manufacturing engineers. But usually, m..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Southwest Airlines,사우스웨스트항공,사우스웨스트항공마케팅전략,사우스웨스트항공기업분석,항공사분석전략 ( 35Pages )
Southwest Airlines Air Service Management 1 33 Index Introduction of Southwest Airlines Services of SWA Issue Conclusion Sources 2 33 1. Introduction of Southwest Airlines Southwest is the low cost carrier(L.C.C) that provides scheduled air transportation in the United States. As of December 31, 2008, the Company operated 537 Boeing 737 aircraft and provided service t..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 Break ( 3Pages )
1.원문 Break, Break, Break Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me. O, well for the fisherman's boy, That he shouts with his sister at play! O, well for the sailor lad, That he sings in his boat on the bay! And the stately ships go on To their haven under the hill; But O for the touch o..
리포트 > 인문/어학 |
인문, 어학
 한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계 ( 33Pages )
본 자료는 한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계에 대해 소개한 자료로 Introduction about Kazakhstan(Kazakhstan, Flag of Kazakhstan, Location, Currency, Primary Resources, Major Economic Indicators), Opening Kazakhstan and Korea relations(Trade Status, Investment situation, Agreement of Korea and Kazakhstan, The advancement situation of Korean enterprise, Major agreements), Energy & Electron..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
, 카자흐스탄 경제관계, 카자흐스탄 물류산업 개선정책, Kazakhstan and Korea relations, Agreement of Korea and Kazakhstan, 한국과 카자흐스탄간의 협정, KAZAKHSTAN Rail
 그루폰 Groupon 기업분석및 마케팅전략분석 영문레포트 ( 16Pages )
GROUPON KOREA 목 차 1. About 소셜커머스 2. 3C 분석 1) Groupon 기업분석 ① The current status ② Features 2) 경쟁사분석 ① 티켓몬스터 ② 쿠팡 ③ 위메프 3) 고객분석 ① 소셜커머스 이용증가 원인분석 ② 소셜커머스의 문제점 3. SWOT 분석 Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat 4. 마케팅전략 ① 마케팅믹스 4P전략분석 ② Financial Schedule, Timetable, Evaluation 5. 결론 1. About..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
Sample Resume (EMPHASIS ON WORK EXPERlENCE) ANDREAS BERGER Home Address: Campus Address: Hauptstrasse 9 MeineStr 22 1000 Berlin 12 2000 Hamburg 12 (030) 1234567 (014) 2223333 JOB OBJECTIVE: 4 month Internship in the field of Marketing EDUCATION: Technical University, Hamburg 1988 to present Major: Business Administration Minor: Economics Army Service 1986..
서식 > 이력서 |
 SNS,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p ( 63Pages )
Intro SNS Social Game CONTENTS !! What is SN and SNS Example(Facebook vs ) SNG ⅠⅡⅢⅣ Centrality, Node Edge, Honeycomb Application( Facebook vs Myspace ) Social network Game Contents 1 What is SN SNS What is SN SNS What is SN SNS One field of Web Science, It says structure of social relations which are created by inter-dependent relationship of node. Social network What i..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 상의의여유량에따른체온조절반응 ( 9Pages )
상의의 여유량에 따른 체온조절반응 연구 (Ⅱ) A Study on Thermoregulation by allowance of T-shirts(Ⅱ) 이소진*장지혜**하희정*** [목차] 1. 서론 2. 실험방법 2-1. 피험자 2-2. 실험 의복 2-3. 측정 항목 2-4. 실험 순서 2-5. 자료 처리 3. 실험결과 및 고찰 4.. 결론 참고문헌 1)2)3) [ Abstract ] The purpose of this study was to investigate two different kinds of T-shirts on ther..
리포트 > 생활/환경 |
 air canada,air canada분석,air canada재무분석,에어캐나다,에어캐나다분석,에어캐나다재무분석 ( 12Pages )
CONTENTS Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Body 1. Financial Statements 2. Important 10 Financial Numbers Interpret 3. 5 Key Ratios Interpret Ⅲ. Conclusion Ⅰ. Introduction Air Canada is Canada s largest full-service airline and the largest provider of scheduled passenger services in the Canadian market, the Canada-U.S. transborder market and in the international market to and from ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
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