전체 (검색결과 약 16,174개 중 65페이지)

 Application for Tax-Exemption on Non-Resident's Korean Source Income Provided under the Korea Tax Treaty(Corporate Income tax,Individual Income tax) ( 3Pages )
Form 29-2 (1) □ Interest □ Dividends □ Royalties □ Other Application for Tax-Exemption on Non-Resident's Korean Source Income Provided under the Korea Tax Treaty □ Corporate Income tax □ Individual Income tax Processing Period Upon Submission Beneficiary ① Name ② Resident(Business) Reg. No. ③ Address ④ Resident Country ⑤ Code for Resident Country Payer ⑥ Name of Corpora..
서식 > 세무회계서식 |
 영문 물품매계약서_1 ( 1Pages )
SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this ___ day of ___, 20__ in ___,___ by ___[Principal] and ___ [Agency]; Whereas, the Principal is the owner and operator of a business known as ___ which is engaged in the business of ___; Whereas, the Principal desires to employ the Agent for, and the Agent is willing to act for the Principal in, selling ___. Now therefore i..
비지니스 > 무역수출입 |
 영문 추천장 ( 1Pages )
RECOMMENDATION Feb. 25, 2000 To whom it may concern This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. who is appling for the admission to your graduate school. I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, University. I joined my Department in September, 1986. In 1985, I received the Ph.D. degree in computer, information, and co..
서식 > 생활서식 |
BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER AGREEMENT(가죽의류) This Agreement is entered into this___day of ___ 2003, by and between a California Corporation (hereinafter referred to as BUYER) with its principal place of business at ___ and a Korean Company Ltd,.a Korean corporation (hereinafter referred to as SELLER), with a principal place of business at ___. WHEREAS, BUYER is engaged ..
서식 > 계약서 |
 영문-상호합자계약서 ( 2Pages )
상호합자계약서 영문판입니다. This JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT is made on ___, 2001 between ___ ___ and ___. JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT(영문‐상호합자계약서) This JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT is made on ___, 2001 between ___ and ___. RECITALS The Joint Venturers have agreed to make contributions to a common fund for the purpose of acquiring and holding :___ called the business inte..
서식 > 계약서 |
Contributions, Acquisition, Profits, Expenses of Venture
 영문 기본구매계약서 ( 13Pages )
BASIC PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of day of , 1992. BETWEEN : (1) ABC Co., Ltd a Japanese corporation, acting through its Construction Machinery Division, having its principal place of business at World Trade Center Building, 00, 000 2chomp, Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan( hereinafter referred to as ABC ). (2) XYZ Co., Ltd a Korean corporation, having..
서식 > 계약서 |
 스타벅스,스타벅스마케팅,스타벅스전략,스타벅스분석,스타벅스마케팅전략,스타벅스영문마케팅,스타벅스영어마케팅,영문마케팅,영어마케팅,스타벅스서비스마케팅 ( 36Pages )
Service Design for Starbucks Coffee Redesign of existing service at Starbucks Coffee morning coffee delivery Introduction of Starbucks Problems of the Starbucks in Korea Service Highlights STP SWOT 7P’s Service Blueprint Relationship Marketing Other Expected Outcome Benefits 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Contents Introduction of Starbucks Delivery Starbucks wa..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 방송언어의 운율적 자질에 대한 고찰 - 장단 대립 모음의 상대값 비교를 중심으로 ( 29Pages )
방송언어의 운율적 자질에 대한 고찰 - 장단 대립 모음의 상대값 비교를 중심으로- Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to examine the influence of the duration of vowels on the transmission of broadcast message. Message transmission by speech always involves some risk of message distortion. Meaning loss and multiple interpretations are very likely to occur in the process of ..
논문 > 어문학분야 |
 영문 벤처연대계약서 ( 9Pages )
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT FOR ___,A___ (state) JOINT VENTURE THIS JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT (herein after referred to as the Agreement ) is entered into this ___ day of ___, 1995, by and among ___,a___ corporation, and ___,a___ corporation, (herein after collectively referred to as the Joint Venturers) for the purpose of performing: ___. WITNESSET..
서식 > 계약서 |
 P G,P G재무분석,P G재무전략,피엔지,피엔지재무분석,피엔지재무전략,재무전략사례,재무분석사례 ( 27Pages )
Managerial Accounting About P G About the P G Multinational corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods Requirement 1 Requirement 1 There are 3 questions to solve and they are mentioned below Interpret So, the questions are actually asking about the one thing. What is the main strategy of P G for the success, and why Requirement 1 The answers of questions ..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 실험 보고서 - 관성모멘트 측정 장치[Experimental Apparatus for moment of Inertia] ( 5Pages )
관성 모멘트 측정 장치 (Experimental Apparatus for moment of Inertia) ★ 실험 목적 - 회전축에 대한 관성모멘트를 실험적으로 축정하고 이론적 계산과 비교한다. ★ 실험 준비물 - 회전대 - 고리달린 추 : 200g - 버니어캘리퍼 - 수준기 - 초시계 - 자 - 지지대 고정 클램프 - 도르래 고정 클램프 - 관성모멘트 측정시료 고체 실린더 : 직경 250mm, 질량 약 3.7kg 속이 빈 실린더 ; 내경 220mm, 외경 ..
리포트 > 자연과학 |
 항공산업,해외항공산업,항공시장,항공산업사례,항공산업영문판,항공산업영어,영문마케팅,영어마케팅,Airline Industry ( 37Pages )
Financial Analysis Airline Industry - Table of Contents - Introduction I. Why Airlines 3 II. Selection Criteria for Individual Enterprises 3 III. Analysis Method 5 Industry Analysis I. Tests of Solvency 7 II. Tests of Liquidity 10 III. Tests of Profitability 13 IV. Tests of Activity 20 V. Tests of Growth Rates 24 Evaluation I. Evaluation Method 27 II. The Result..
리포트 > 경영/경제 |
 조달청국외등록신청 ( 2Pages )
등록신청서 (Application for Registration) 【별지 제4호 서식】 수신 : 대한민국 조달청장(To: Administrator, S.A.R.O.K) (전) 등록번호 [ (previous) SAROK Reg. No] 상사명 (Name of Firm) 사업자등록번호 (Taxpayer ID No.) 대표자명 (Name of Chief Executive) 주민등록번호 (ID No. of Chief Executive) 상사주소 (Address of Firm) 전화번호(Tel. No.) Fax 번호(Fax No.) 업태 (Type of..
서식 > 행정민원서식 |
 영문 동업자동의서 ( 2Pages )
PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ___ The partners listed above hereby agree that they shall be considered partners in business upon the commencement date of this PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT for the following purpose: ___ ___ The terms and conditions of this partnership are as follows: 1. The NAME of the partnership shall be: ___ 2. The PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS of the partnership s..
서식 > 회사서식 |
 사후관리계약서-영문 ( 4Pages )
사후관리계약서(AFTER‐SERVICE AGREEMENT) 영문판 입니다. This Agreement made and entered into this ___ day of ___, 20__ by and between ABC Co., Ltd., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having its principal office of business at ___ Guroo‐Dong, Jin‐Gu, Seoul 150‐721, the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as "ABC" and ___ , ..
서식 > 계약서 |
Products, Services, Customers
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