영문 출장증명서
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영문 출장증명서
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3. 영문_출장증명서.pdf
2. 영문_출장증명서.doc
영문 출장증명서
Certificate of Business Trip Travel Order

Working Section : #K

Position : #L

Name in Full : #F

Date of Birth :

K.I.D. No. : #D

Duration :

Destination :

Period of Travel :

Purpose :

This is to certify that the above mentioned person is supposed totake a business trip abroad for 7 days from Feb. 13, through Feb. 19, 1995 for purpose of technical training dealing with installation of Icecream bar machine introduced from Crepaco Company of America as an operator in I/C of production dept.

Date of issue :

/Official Seal Stamped/
Representative Director of

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해외바이어, 무역업체, 현지파..