영문 협약서
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영문 협약서
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영문 협약서

between Moscow State Pedagogical University (Russia)
and Seoul National University of Education(Korea)

Proceeding from the mutual desire to promote further cooperation and understanding between the people of their countries,Moscow State Pedagogical University and Seoul National University of Education have come to the following letter of intent.

Both institution agree to the following basic areas of cooperation:

1. Joint scientific research in different fields of educational science such as pre-school education, primary school education, teacher training and in-service teacher training, and others.

2. Exchange of professors and scholars with the purpose to visit partner universities, to read lectures, and to share experience.

3. Exchange of students with the purpose to visit partner universities, study for the period from a few weeks to one academic year.

4. Exchange of information in the field of education.

5. Carrying-out joint seminars, conferences, simposium and the like.

This Letter of Intent has been drafted in two copies in English and Russian. Both copies have equal strength.

Signed in Moscow on July 11, 2000
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