영문 에이젼시계약서
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영문 에이젼시계약서
Agency Agreement

This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea with its principal place of business at 000 Samsungdong, Kangnamku, Seoul, Korea and [Y Co., Ltd.](“Company”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of [the state of New York, United States of America] with its principal place of business at [00, 00st West, New York, N, Y.,U.S.A.].


WHEREAS, the Company wishes to market [electronic goods etc.](“the Products”) in the Republic of Korea (“the Territory”) and for such purpose enter into an agreement with the Agent;and
WHEREAS, the Agent is willing to market the Products in the Territory and render its services to the Company;
Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as follow;

Article 1. Appointment
1.1 The Company hereby appoints the Agent and the Agent hereby accepts appointment as the Company's exclusive agent for the sale of the Products within the Territory on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
1.2 The Company shall not, itself directly or through third parties, sell, distribute or market the Products to the customers in the Territory (“the Customers”) or appoint other representatives, agents, distributors or the like with authority to sell or lease the Products to the Customers and the Company shall exert its best efforts and take all necessary legal actions to cause its other distributors, agent, representative or the like not to sell, distribute or lease, directly or through third parties, the Products to the Customers.

Article 2. Agent's Duties and Responsibilities
2.1 The Agent shall explore, develop and promote the sale of the Products and shall make good faith efforts to increase the sales of the Products within the Territory. To achieve such purposes, the Agent will keep the Company informed of the status of the sales progress, make recommendations and suggestions to the Company and assist and cooperate with the Company.

Article 3. Company's Duties and Responsibilities
3.1 The company shall use its best efforts to assist and cooperate with the Agent in developing and promoting the sale of Products in the Territory. The Company shall, at its expense, expeditiously provide samples, sales literature, demonstration kits and any other material, requested by the Agent necessary for the Agent's performance of its duties under the Agreement. The Company shall also provide any information, which it now has or may be received by it in the future which is likely to be of interest, use, or benefit to the Agent in relation to sales of the Products in the Territory.
Article 4. Agent soliciting Offer
4.1 The Agent shall promote sale of the Products based on the latest prices of the Products provided by the Company.
4.2 The Agent shall, upon receipt of enquiry or offer for the Products from a Customer, forward it to the Company, and the Company shall, within[15] days after receipt make
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