영문 계약의향서
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영문 계약의향서
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영문 계약의향서

This Letter of Intent (LOI) made and entered into this day of, 1992, by and between OOOOO, a Korean corporation having its principal Sochogu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea office at corporation having its principal(OOOOO ) and, a office at(XXXXX)


WHEREAS, OOOOO and XXXXXdesire to cooperate in the organization of joint venture company(JVC ) to be organized under the laws of JVC U.S.A for the manufacture and sale of some electric and/or electronic products to be agreed on by both parties( Products );

WHEREAS, both parties have negotiated the terms and conditions of the organization of the JVC, which are to be set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter , the parties agree as follows :

1. The parties shall cooperate to organize and establish the JVC substantially in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Joint Venture Agreement. And, the parties shall also use their best efforts to complete negotiation for the establishment of the JVC and execute the Joint Venture Agreement and the related agreements such as technical collaboration agreement and import agreement, etc, which are to be defined in the Joint Venture Agreement. The basic terms and conditions of the Joint Venture Agreement and the related agreements shall be specified in Exhibits attached herein.

2. This LOI shall continue in full force and effect for six(6)months commencing on the date of this LOI and shall be extended for successive period agreed on by the mutual covenants of the both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have caused this LOI to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as the date first written above.
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