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영문 이력서(IT관련업체)
KilDong Hong

11, 00 Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, YongsanGu, Seoul
Phone: (02) 1111111 Email: hong@KilDong.co.kr

19921995 University of Westminster (United Kingdom).
Electronics Systems Engineering (HEng.)
19911992 Queens Park Community School (United Kingdom).
Merit Access Science.
19821988 Federal Government College, IK, Nigeria. 6 (GCSE) '0' Level.


Period: April 1998 Present
Company: Hanjin Service International
Position : European Project Manager for Digital and Network Solutions. Responsible for 14 engineers in Europe, Millennium bug project leader, Network Planning for Major clients, WANs & LANs Management Via remote Means. Configuration & Design of Networks, Testing and repair of noncompliance of year 2000 machines, ISDN setup and configuration.

Period: August 1997 March 1998.
Company: Hanjin Services International
Position: Digital Systems Applications and Development Engineer & European ADI
Group Member.
Team leader for four European Engineers.
Responsible for supporting 100 hundred corporate accounts in UK and many others in various European countries.
Routers and Switches: Cisco, Bay Networks, 3Com, DEC, IBM, ACC
Hubs: Cabletron, Bay, 3Com, IBM, DEC, HP,
Remote LAN Access: Shiva, Cisco, PC Anywhere
Network Management Platforms: HP Open View, SunNet Manager, Cabletron Spectrum, Novell NMS, Cisco Works,
Network Analysis Tools: Network General Sniffer, LAN aniyzer, Cable Scanner, WAN Analyser, Comnet Predictor (Network Management and Control), Comnet III (detailed network performance simulation).
Network Security: Audits, planning, design, implementation, and management
Physical/Data Link Layer: Ethernet, Token Ring, Switched Ethernet, Twisted pair
WAN Technologies: X.25, Frame Relay, ATM,ISDN,
Network Protocols: TCP/IP, SNA, IPX, SNMP, IGRP, RIP, BGP, DLSW, OSPF,AppleTalk
Internet/intranet: Network infrastructure development/deployment, DNS, NIS
Network Operating Systems: UNIX, Novell NetWare, Windows NT, LAN Manager

Period: Dec 1995 July 1997
Company: ABC (UK) Ltd.
Position: Customer Support and Systems Analyst. Management of Xerox Network
Systems: Meeting different network requirements of contracted companies, such as configuration of LANs. Planning and installation of Xerox network software that is compatible with client's network, such as Novell NetWare & Win NT4 Servers. Also involved in design, implementation of ISDN, and network systems.
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