영문 이력서(IT관련업체)
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영문 이력서(IT관련업체)
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영문 이력서(IT관련업체)

Career Summary:
Around 2.1 years of IT experience in development, Training and testing of
application software using C, C++, VC++(5.0/6.0) MFC/ATL, COM/DCOM, Oracle and
design tools like MSVisualModeler in the areas of database, internet/intranet
applications. Also Involved in training for DataStructures, C, C++ etc.

Educational Qualification:
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada Year of passing 1998

Career path and Project:

Rotation2K system
Title of the Project : Rotation2K
Client : ABC
Duration : Oct 99 to Feb 00
Team Size :5
Software : ATL, COM/DCOM, VC++, VB6.0, STL, ASP
O/S: Windows NT 4.0
Role : Developer
Description :
This is basically to create and generate schedules for an organization. This is an intranetbased application, which is done using VC++ and ASP. It is aimed at employee scheduling in a company based on departments. In a very huge organization it is not possible for a single person to schedule all the employees in a company. So each department or set of departments will be having an administrator who will log on to the server on which IIS (Internet information server) is running. The administrator enters the rotation period and the department Id and requests for scheduling the employees in that particular department. The request interacts with database and generates Dynamically the whole schedule for the given department. The middle tier includes COM Components and ISAPI DLL.

Document Distribution Management System
영문이력서(IT관련업체-경력,보유기술위주) 영문이력서(IT관련-소프트웨어개발)
영문이력서(IT관련-보안관련업무) 영문이력서(IT관련-시스템관리자,프로그래머)
영문 이력서(IT관련업체) 영문네트워킹이력서(IT관련)
영문이력서(IT관련-디자인,개발지원) IT화 지원 구축계약서(중소기업)
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자기소개서, 이력서[한글,영문] 예제18개, 양식.. IT관련업체 최고의 소개서 제3정보기술
영문 이력서 (IT, 소프트웨어 ..
이력서(깔끔한 편집)한글2002..
이력서(현대적인 양식)