영문 이력서(경영,관리,분석)
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영문 이력서(경영,관리,분석)
KilDong Hong

11, Woosin Bldg. 1F, GalwolDong, SeoulGu, Seoul

Phone: (02) 1111111 Email: hong@kildong.co.kr

Highly experienced manager, administrator and technical analyst with background in strategic management planning and analysis, budgeting, personnel administration, program and project management, market research surveys, resource management, logistical operations, technical writing, contract administration, acquisition and procurement, training and organizational development, and facility management whose accomplishments include:
$5M savings achieved by developing and implementing accountability and procedure methodologies.
Led key team in the successful development of a $2B multiphased communications system.
100 Inventory control attained by revitalizing a control process that had been in arrears for 10 years.
Provided highly accurate management analyses on several major U.S. Government training initiatives.
100 success rate in maintaining or exceeding schedules on major acquisition and training development projects.
Innovative problem solver and resultsoriented manager who creates a team spirit and delivers winning solutions.
Handson overseas management and technical work experience in Germany, Italy, and Turkey.
Solid leader and aggressive manager with proven track record in times of personnel turbulence.
Excellent public relations and liaison skills who can bridge gap between administrative and technical staffs.
Planned, coordinated, implemented, and managed numerous multimillion dollar technical projects.

Native English speaker.
Proficient in German
Conversant in Japanese
Experienced in supervising 100+ person
staff and managing $250M budget.
Strong presentation and analytical skills.
Computer literate with Macintosh/IBMcompatible PC systems.
Proficient in Microsoft Windows 98 and Office 98.

MS, Strategic Intelligence (LA Area Studies), Defense Intelligence College (1990)
MBA, Telecommunications Management, Golden Gate University (1984)
MPA, Administrative Organization and Management, Golden Gate University (1983)
BA, History, cum laude, Wichita State University (1975)

Supervision & Personnel/Resource Management
o Managed personnel, resources, training, and operations of a $25M communications facility in Europe.
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