영문 건강기록부
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영문 건강기록부
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2. 건강기록부.doc
영문 건강기록부

Name in Full : Hong, Kill Dong
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : May 22, 1984
Resident ID No. :*************
Address : #123, Kwanchuldong, JongRogu, Seoul, KOREA
Name of Father : Kim Kil Dong
Blood Type :B Type, Rh +

1. Vaccination Record

Name of Vaccination Date of Vaccination
Diphtheria 4 yearold
Whooping cough 4 yearold
Tetanus 4 yearold
Typhoid July 16, 1993
Influenza Nov.7, 1991 / Nov.14, 1991 / Nov.4, 1993 / Nov.13,1993
Infantile Paralysis 4 yearold / Oct. 8, 1991
Japanese Encephalitis 3 yearold / May 3, 1991 / Apr 16, 1992
May 11, 1993 / Apr. 15, 1994
B.C.G1 yearold
AntiHepatitis Inoculation 3 yearold
Grippe Oct. 19, 1995
Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever Oct. 7, 1995

3. Oral Cavity and pathologic test
Year 123456
Number of Tooth to be cured 68654
Number of Tooth has been cured 2
Tooth to be pulled 12
Mouth Cleaning Good Good Good Good Good
Tooth Disease None None None None None
Tooth Order Good Good Good Good Good
Other None None None None None

4. Physical Test
Year 12345
Height(cm) 127.8 132.4 137.6 141.3 150
Weight (Kg) 29 35 37.5 45.5 52
Girth of the chest (cm) 62.5 68 85.0 80 83
Sitting Height (cm) 68 70 73.2 75 77.8
Backbone Type Normal
Chest Type Normal
Eye Sight (Left)
Bending Matter None
Color Ability Good Good Good Good
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