A strategic planning meeting should be held on an annual basis, if not more frequent. The meeting should include all executive managers as well as any key supervisors with front-line knowledge and experience. A copy of the business plan should be present at the meeting so it can be referred to when needed. Keep in mind the intent of the meeting, which is to evaluate past projects and goals and to develop new strategies based on opportunities discovered through your market research and analysis.
Following is a list of items that can help create a more effective strategic planning meeting:
1. The strategic planning meeting should be held off-site in a casual setting so participants will feel relaxed but away from the daily distractions of conducting business. In addition, this will provide a neutral site so there won't be any preoccupations with an authority figure exercising their power by holding the meeting in their office.
3. Make sure everyone knows that each person will be treated as an equal and everyone will have an equal voice in terms of suggestions and criticisms.
4. To promote a more casual atmosphere, have everyone attending the meeting dress in casual clothing.
5. Encourage discussion of subjects mentioned in the meeting. This will not only encourage more brainstorming as the session progresses, but it will also serve to fully define the subject to determine its merits.
6. Don't let the meeting digress into endless criticism. Point out areas that merit praise, and when discussing areas of weakness, explain how suggestions may not fit into the overall scope of the company's strategy.
7. Don't try to prioritize items brought up in the meeting during the session. The strategic planning meeting is mainly a brainstorming session where ideas are explored in relation to their strategic impact on the business.
8. Make sure you cover each topic thoroughly before progressing to the next. Keep in mind that you are exploring strategic solutions. When discussing each subject, apply timetables for specific actions after the meeting has been adjourned.
9 Make a summary of the meeting and circulate to everyone that is part of the strategic planning team. Then, make sure you have follow-up meeting to review the progress of |