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영문서신(가격인상의 통지)

February 1, 19…


Gentlemen :

Allow us to begin by thanking you for all you have done to se-cure a foothold for our products in your market. Your ability to maintain sales despite the negative factors affecting our business is highly regarded here.

We have also had our troubles. The biggest of these has been the sharp depreciation in the value of the U.S. dollar on which all our prices are based. Every effort has been made to absorb this drop in revenue through cost reduction measures. However, with the depreciation now reaching 20%, it has become impossible to uni- laterally absorb these losses. Consequently, we have decided to raise our export prices 10% across the board effective April 1.

We realize this will not make your situation easier. However, please consider the fact that we have been running in the red for three months now. Also, bear in mind that by asking for only 10% we are seeking to share and not shift the entire burden.

Your understanding and cooperation in this regard will be very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Byung-moon Lee
General Manager

우선 귀시장에서 당사 제품의 기반을 견고히 하는 데 기여한 귀사의 노력에 감사드립니다. 거래상의 악조건에도 불구하고 매상고를 유지하시는 귀사의 역량은 이곳에서도 높이 평가되고 있습니다.
저희 역시 여러 가지 문제점을 안고 있습니다. 그중 가장 큰 것은 저희측의 유통화폐인 미 달러화 가격의 급격한 하락입니다. 원가절감을 통해 수입감소를 막으려고 노력을 다했지만 하락폭이 20%에 달한 지금, 당사만이 키러한 손실을 감당하는 것이 불가능하게 되었습니다. 따라서 4월 1일부터 수출가격을 일률적으로 10%인
영문서신(가격인상통지에대한연기요청) 통지서(가격인상)
가격인상동의서신 통지서(수입업체가거래사에가격인상)
가격인상통지문 통지문(제품가격인상)
안내문(할인 규정 소개 영문서신(견적승낙확인서신)
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안내문(고객에게환불을알리는서신) 카다로그및가격요청서신
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