카다로그 및 가격요청 서신
Pan Asia Electronics Mart
Dear Sirs,
We owe your esteemed name and address from the Directory of Korean Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers, and are glad to note that you specialize in Black / White and Colour Television, Car Stereo and Car Speakers.
We are one of the old established firm mainly dealing in almost all Electronic products particularly Black N White and Colour TV, Car Stereo &P. A. Systems.
As we import only on our own account we enjoy very good reputation in this territory, and we have vast experience and qualified marketing staff we can introduce and popularize new brands.
We are interested in your products, and we would appreciate if you kindly make it convenient to airmail us your full range catalogs together with your F. 0. B. /C&F New York prices for our consideration to proceed further.
Thanking you and looking forward to the pleasure of receiving your early esteemed communication, we remain.
Sincerely yours,
for Pan Asia Electronics Mart.
Mr. Mode Dmir Cawaney. |