[경영학] 다음다이렉트원
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[경영학] 다음다이렉트원
1. [경영학] 다음다이렉트원.ppt
2. [경영학] 다음다이렉트원.pdf
[경영학] 다음다이렉트원
Competitive Strategy of Daum Direct-One
Motives of Investigation

2. Introduction of Daum DirectOne

Online Car Insurance Market

4. SWOT of Daum DirectOne

5. Comparison with Rivals

6. Conclusion and Future Prospect
Motives of Investigation

Source: Insurance Statistics Yearbook
The Rapid Growth of Online Car-Insurance Market
-]Keen Competition
The Rapid Growth of Daum-Direct One
-]Not a fore runner at first
-]Approach to the insurance market of IT company
Introduction of Daum Direct one

Source: Insurance Statistics Yearbook
- 5th January 2004. Foundation

- Investment rate
-] Daum communication 90% : LG Insurance 10%

- Goal for 2004
-]1% of market sharing in total car insurance
-] Total income: 1000 millions won

- Final Goal
-] Leading company in the on-line insurance Market
Online Car Insurance Market

Source: Insurance Statistics Yearbook
Oct. 2001
-]Foundation of KYOBO Insurance
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