영문 고용계약서
(Family) (Middle and Last)
Passport No : Sex :
Address :
Date of Birth : Nationality :
(Month) (Day) (Year)
Organization : Position :
Employment Duration :
This Agreement is made entered into as of the day of , 20 , between (hereinafter referred to as The Emplyer) and (hereinafter referred to as The Employee). Both parties agree as follows :
1. The Emplyer hereby appoints the Employee to the position of.
The duties of the Employee comprise
2. The Employee shall perform, with the best of his/her abilities and knowledge, his/her duties requested and specified by the Emplyer for the benefit of the Emplyer.
3. The employee agrees at all time to provide the Emplyer with an accurate progress report of his assignment at the request of the Emplyer.
4. In consideration of the duties to be performed by the Employee in accordance with the terms hereof, the Emplyer shall pay the Employee a monthly salary of korean Won on the day of each month during the term hereof.
5. The Emplyer shall pay the Employee the travel expense incurred in the course of performing his/her duties, in which case the Employee must obtain an approval from the Emplyer prior to |