영문 수입대리점계약서
This Agreement, made and entered into on of by and between ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of (hereinafter referred to as Company) and (hereinafter referred to as Representative)
WHEREAS, Company manufactures and/or sells products and WHEREAS, Representative desires to perform certain services on behalf of Company with respect to the following products : NOW THEREFORE in consideration of mutual conditions and obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto have agreed as follows:
Article 1.PRODUCTS
Company hereby appoints Representative, and Representative hereby accepts appointment as Company's independent sales reperesentative to promote and assist in the sales of the products as listed below:
Article 2. TERRITORY
The sales territory designated hereto is the geographical area of the Republic of Korea as well as the area mutually agreed upon for which Representative shall have sales responsibility and in which Representative will exert its effort for sales of the Products
(A) Generate and stimulate interests in the Products and furnish information to Company in regard to market trend and prospective purchasers of the Products.
(B) Participate in the sales promotion activities to benefit sales of the Products and assist and advises Company in this regards.
(C) Cooperate with and assist Company with the collection of any overdue accounts, after service informations, and other matters as requested by the Company
(D) Bear and pay all travelling expenses and others incurred by Representative in connection with the sake of the Products, and Representative shall not be entitled to any reimbersement in this respect except upon prior approval from Company
(A) Endeavor to maintain the delivery conditions on all orders accepted by Company.
(B) Provide Representative to the full extent, with sales and technical information and assist ance regarding the Products. |