OCD (강박장애) 특성
1. Introduction
1) Anxiety disorder
① most prevalent psychiatric condition
② produce inordinate morbidity, utilization of health care services, and functional mpairment
③ increase the rate of cardiovascular-related mortality in chronic phase
2) Neurobiological perspect
- constructing animal model of fear and anxiety that appear relevant to human psychopathological states is relatively straight forward.
3) Treatment
- the treatments currently available for anxiety disorder are among the most effective in clinical medicine
① Pharmacological treatment
② Cognitive-behavioral treatment
③ Psychodynamic treatment
4) The exquisite interplay of genetic and experimental factor of anxiety disorder
Abnormal gene + Traumatic life event and stress
(biological nature) (psychological nature)
2. Epidemiology
① Life time prevalence : 0.7 ~ 2.5 %
② Mean age at onset : 20代 중반~ 30代 초반
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