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1. Assignment경제적인파이프.hwp
2. Assignment경제적인파이프.pdf
Assignment 1

[ Step 1 ] Obtaining optimum Diameter of the steel pipe

Water flowing at 61°F

Flow rate,
Assume, turbulent flow.

∴ turbulent flow.

[ Step 2 ] Determine the maximum flow rate

[ Step 3 ] Determine the total friction loss, in the pipe & fittings

Pump outlet : point 1, overhead tank inlet : point 2 로 놓고 Bernoulli Eq.

linear velocity,
( assuming )
Average velocity =
Equivalent roughness, = 0.00015 ft ( from textbook p 482 )

∴ Friction factor = f = 0.0045 ( from Fig. 14-1 )

Total Le for fittings & valves
Le =
Friction due to flow through pipe & all fittings

[ Step 4 ] EQ % valve sizing

From Valve Performance Eq.

[ Step 5 ] Pump selection

Total Head at normal flow rate, from the pump performance chart,

Check :

So the recommended pump : 68.5% efficiency, 28HP , 8 pump
[ Step 6 ] Resizing of Pipe

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