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lack Holes : Are They Here On Earth
Soviet physicist,A.P.Trofimenko,speculated in the summer of 1990 that mini-black holes are eve-
A rywhere-including here on Earth.But,what exactly is a mini-black hole
The black hole is becoming more and more familiar to the general public.It is a piece of matter so crushed together,and so dense,that the gravitational pull in its immediate neighborhood is enormous.Anything that falls in can't get out,so it is a hole. Even light can't escape,so it is a black hole.
A black hole is formed when a giant star explodes as a supernova.Part of it collapses,sometimes,into a black hole.Such a black hole is usually somewhat more massive than our sun.It tends to pick up material about it,without giving any back,so it grows in size,especially if it is formed in a region rich in stars.
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