병리학 14장
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병리학 14장
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병리학 14장

14. White Cell & Lymph Node, Spleen disease

1. White cells and Lymph nodes
§ Reactive (inflammatory) proliferations of White
cells and modes
(1) Leukocytosis (백혈구 증가증)
1. Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis
2. Eosinophilic leukocytosis
3. Monocytosis
4. Lymphocytosis
(2) Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis
(3) Chronic nonspecifuc lymphadenitis

§ Neoplastic Proliferation of White Cells
(1) Malignant lymphoma
(2) Leukemia and myeloproliferative disorder
(3) Plasma cell dyscrasia 와 연관된 질병
(4) Histiocytosis

§ Malignant Lymphoma
(1) Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
*Working fomulation
small lymphocytic (>95% Bcell)
follicular, predominantly small cleaved cell (Bcell)
follicular, mixed small cleaved and large cell (Bcell)
follicular, predominantly large cell (Bcell)
diffuse, small cleaved cell (80%B, 20%postthymicT)
diffuse, mixed small and large cell (〃)
diffuse, large cell (〃)
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