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1. 기출총정리(X파일)[1].hwp
2. 기출총정리(X파일)[1].pdf
<일본 기출문제>
1. There will be (A)(no fee) when a (B)(balance) is (C)(transferred) from one
account to (D)(other).

2. It is uncertain what the future holds ----- this dynamic young sportswear designer.
(A) out
(B) off
(C) on
(D) for

3. By next year it ---- necessary to double the production quota to keep up with market demand.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) had been
(D) will be

4. The London-to-Sydney flight touched ---- in Bombay for a one-hour layover.
(A) through
(B) over
(C) down
(D) beyond

5. Even though decades of adverse economic conditions have led to its current dilapidated states, remnants of the resort's ------- grandeur remain.
(A) once
(B) originated
(C) before
(D) former

1. Since the meeting room was so warm, Ms. Parker suggested that someone ------- a window.
(A) open
(B) opening
(C) opened
(D) to open

(2) The report will be printed on white paper ------- the manager specifies otherwise.
(A) unless
(B) despite
(C) regardless
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