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abandon v. desert, leave behind 그만두다, 버리다
☞ He finally abandoned his reformist ideas.

able adj. capable, qualified, fit ~할 수 있는, 유능한
☞ He is an unusually able administrator.

abolish v. end, eliminate 폐지하다, 없애다
☞ Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.

abrupt adj. sudden, hasty, unexpected 뜻밖의 갑작스런
☞ The abrupt change of schedule gave me lots of trouble.

acclaim v. applaud, praise, honor 갈채를 보내다.
n. praise, applause, honor 갈채
☞ Laundry was being acclaimed as the best coach around.

acrid adj. bitter, sharp, biting 매운, 쓴, 가혹한, 혹독한.
☞ A cloud of acrid smoke.

adapt v. adjust, modify. 적응시키다. 개조시키다.
☞ He adapted an old car engine to use in his boat.

adept adj. skillful, expert. 숙달한
☞ Mark was quickly becoming an adept skier.

adhere v. stick, cling 부착하다. 고집하다.
☞ Glue makes one surface adhere to another.

admonish v. warn, caution, advise 훈계하다. 충고하다.
☞ The witness was admonished by the judge for failing to answer the question.

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