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1. Elemental&CompoundSemiconductors.hwp
2. Elemental&CompoundSemiconductors.pdf
Chapter 1. Elemental & Compound Semiconductors

○What is Optoelectronics
: interaction of electronic process with optical process
→ electrical to optical
→ energy conversion process
→ photon emission or absorption

○ Photon vs. Phonon
․photon: quantized energy of light (∆E≠0, ∆p≃0)
․phonon: quantized motion of lattice vibration (∆E≃0, ∆p≠0)
→ phonon participation lowers the quantum efficiency (or absorption coefficient)
∵ consumed by the heat of lattices

○ Semiconductor의 종류
∙Elemental Semiconductor ; Si, Ge
∙Compound Semiconductor ; A + B = AB (A,B 는 비반도체, AB는 반도체)
ex) III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, or IV-IV compounds
∙Alloy Semiconductor ; C + D = CD (C,D는 반도체, CD도 반도체) 단, C:D≃1:1
∙Impurity Semiconductor ; Alloy Semiconductor와 비슷하나, 불순물은 약 1% 정도이므로 1)1) 1cm3당 1022∼ 1023 개 정도의 atom이 존재 반면에 불순물은 1020개 정도를 substitute한다.


1) Elemental Semiconductors
Group IV
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