The Pancreas
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The Pancreas

CH.19 The Pancreas

[Exocrine Pacreas]
◎ Congenital Anomalies
1. abbrrant pancreas

◎ Pancreatitis
(1) Acute pancreatitis
① pancreatic substance의 proteolytic destruction
② 출혈과 함께 blood vessels의 necrosis
③ necrosis of fat
④ inflammatory reaction 동반
(2) Chronic pancreatitis

◎ Tumors
(1) Non-neoplastic cysts
1. Pseudocysts
(2) Neoplasms
1. cystic tumors
2. carcinoma of the pancreas

[Endocrine Pancreas]
◎ Diabetes Melitus
1. primary (idiopathic) diabetes
① IDDM (type I)
② NIDDM (type II)
2. secondary diabetes
(1) Type I vs II Diabetes

IDDM(type I)
NIDDM(type II)
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