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1. (최종)마케팅-마운틴듀.ppt
2. (최종)마케팅-마운틴듀.pdf
Mountain Dew : Selecting New Creative
Target in a teenager male
Threat to decreasing CSDs market and increasing to concerning “Health”
The creative as the most challenging aspect of brand management
One of the ten largest ad agencies in the world.

PepsiCO assigned Mountain dew to BBDO
BBDO focused on track music and sports trends.

Three musical trends dominated the airwaves in the 1990s
Rap music, Rock music, Techno music.

In 1990s : Teen enthusiasts transformed casual hobby activities into highly technical, creative, and often dangerous sports.
Extreme Sports : skiing down extremely steep terrain or jumping off tall building with a parachute .
Extreme Games in 1994
Mountain Dew was one of the founding lead sponsor of the Extreme Games

Brand Imagery
Done that
Consumer’s flagginginterest
Mel Torme
Invest to expand into
Diet Mt. Dew of PepsiCo released but business depression
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