마찰없는 원심식 냉동기(멕퀴리).
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마찰없는 원심식 냉동기(멕퀴리).
1. 마찰없는 원심식 냉동기(멕퀴리).pdf
마찰없는 원심식 냉동기(멕퀴리).
The New Standard for Efficiency and Quiet Operation

McQuay Frictionless Centrifugal Compressor Chillers

Revolutionary compressor technology delivers unsurpassed efficiency.

McQuay Frictionless Chillers
The new standard for efficiency and quiet operation
McQuay frictionless centrifugal chillers offer you the new standard for efficiency and quiet operation. These innovative McQuay chillers are available with totally oil-free compressors specifically designed for the HVAC industry. With proven magnetic bearings, variable speed centrifugal compressors and digital electronic controls, the McQuay frictionless chiller offers the highest part load efficiency in its tonnage range available in the industry.

The Ultimate in Comfort and Savings
냉동기 설비 기술 자료의 모든것 공조설비설계 냉수 배관의 마찰저항 계산(냉동..
공조설비설계 냉수 배관의 마찰저항 계산(냉동기) 냉동공학 - 단단압축 증기 냉동 사이클 성능실험
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