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1. 공정제어_Project.hwp
2. 공정제어_Project.pdf
Process Control Project

Tune the PI and the PID controllers for one of the following flash distillation processes following the procedure below. If you want, you can modify the process to make it more real or can make a new model. Your entire MATLAB Program needs to be submitted together with your report.

Flash distillation to separate propane and butane mixture

Assumptions :
➀ Liquid level is constant
➁ Ignore flow rate actuator dynamics except the for steam flow rate
Controlled variable : pressure(PC)
Disturbance : composition of raw mixture, maximum 20% change from steady value
Balance equation :
➀ Component balance for propane

➁ Energy balance

➂ Steam heat transfer

➃ Dynamics of steam flow rate actuator

➄ Other required equations :
Material balance :
Vapor pressure of propane :
Vapor pressure of butane :
Mole fractions of vapor and liquid :
Pressure relationships :

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