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What we study about this project is Tourism web.
On tourism web, we can reserve hotel in Chile for just One Click!
Web generally affects many divisons like democracy, economic, cultural society… and also tourism!
So as we major in hospitality area, we must know about tourism web. Our team research about Expedia, Kayak, Thomas Cook, sustainable tourism and Lindblad-Expedition.

1. It s possible to check a lot of comparison of air plane tickets because Expedia deal with more reservation web sites than Korean travel reservation web sites. Expedia has long history and large scale. So It has many useful information

2. It s useful to confirm discount information of each seller. It s the biggest strength Expedia has. Expedia offers discount information of 10 countries at the same time.

3. It s possible to reserve and find rare or local airplane ticket.

Cautions for reservation.
1. You have to English name and passport information.
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