Critical Discussion Question 1
CSR’s in Recent
Closing Case
Case Discussion 2,1,3
Case Discussion 4
Critical Discussion Question 1
In a landmark Dodge v. Ford case in 1919, the Michigan State Supreme Court determined whether Henry Ford withhold dividends from the Dodge brothers (and other shareholders of the Ford Motor Company) to engage in what today would be called CSR initiatives. With a resounding “No,” the court opined that “a business organization is organized and carried on primarily for the profits of the stockholders.” If the court were to decide on this case this year (or in 2019), what do you think would be the likely outcome How would you act if you were the judge
사건 개요
CSR: Corporative Social Responsibility
당시 엄청난 이익을 내고 있던 포드자동차의 지배주주 헨리 포드가 주주들에 대한 배당금 지급계획을 폐기 → 포드자동차의 주주인 Dodge 형제는 회사의 결정에 대해 반대하며 소송을 제기.
Henty Ford: 회사의 사업이 너무나 잘 되었기 때문에 주주들은 돈을 벌만큼 벌었고 이제는 사회를 위해 뭔가 좋은 일을 해야 할 때가 되었다.
Dodge Brothers: 주주의 이익이 최우선시 되어야 한다.
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