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2. 영미문학의이해.pdf
영미문학과 영어이해 (Birthmark의 재구성)

At first, I tried to make another story-line. but I just could make stupid story. so I didn t change to main story, but I attach to one of speaker in this story. also I just tried to show you my critic point of view about this story.

First of all, I m going to introduce myself. My name is Hoon. I live in a town that named Salem that located in Massachusetts. I ve lived in this town since I was born. also unfortunelly I didn t ever go to any other city for my whole life.(It s extremely boring terrible.)
In my (boring)town, almost of people are really nosey, what ever I do and wherever I go, they all know about it and they all know who I am. They are nosey enough to have driven a minster named Arthur Dimmesdale to death.
My mom told me that they even put a Scarlet letter on my Granny who passed away when I was just a baby. Well, I don t really care about that kind of stuff. Let bygones be gone! That s my motto.
아방가르드 아방가르드다다이즘
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