리포트 > 경영/경제
1. 컨벤션마케팅,마케팅전략,브랜드마케팅,포..
2. 컨벤션마케팅,마케팅전략,브랜드마케팅,포..
Convention Marketing컨벤션 시장 세분화, 목표시장과 포지셔닝
Market Segmentation and Targeting

Positioning Strategy

Thinking Questions
Market Segmentation and Targeting
1. The STP Process
It is necessary for a company to work out a market segmentation strategy, which is called STP(Segmenting-Targeting-Positioning)
1. The STP Process
Market segmentation strategy

Market segmentation is a process to break down a diverse market into homogeneous groups.
It means not only breaking down the market intosmall groups, but also targeting an empty or potential market.
There are standard variables for market segmentation.

2. Market Segmentation
Standard variable of Segmentation
2. Market Segmentation
Effect of market segmentation
Securing competitive advantage
Discovering marketing opportunities
- Discovering niche market
- Finding out potential customers desire
Deregulating price competition through differentiation
2. Market Segmentation
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