Health Science,건강,과학
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Health Science,건강,과학
1. Health Science,건강,과학.ppt
2. Health Science,건강,과학.pdf
Health Science,건강,과학
Health Science
Mind over medicine
Stem cells that kill
The new cancer fighter
Our cousin the fishapod
Darwin would have loved it
Mind over medicine
Instead she rested on a gurney, alert and calm, taking deep breaths at her hypnotherapist s instruction. Thomas counted aloud, One hundred, deep sleep; 99, deeper sleep; 98 ...
By the time I got to 95, the words and numbers had all gone, says Thomas. It s quite peculiar. They all go.

Hypnosis was first used as a surgical anesthetic in India in 1845 but was quickly abandoned with the introduction of ether the following year.
Mind over medicine
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